shell-genomics copied to clipboard version of this lesson
Please see - I got this lesson working in binder just fine!
Click launch binder, then go to New... Terminal... and follow through lesson! This could be a good option for people who are having trouble getting the AWS thing going.
Also note that the data set for this set of lessons specifically is only the stuff under dc_sample_data/
which is in the ~100kb range. The comment about file sizes at the top of is super scary :)
Thank you @ctb ! I'll would also see this as an option for people working through the lesson by themselves. We could add this in the Technical Tips&Tricks section of the instructor notes
I agree with your concern about the file size comment in the setup. It is the setup of tools that currently necessitates the AWS machines, and not so much the file size.
Video recording here: - haven't reviewed it but it should be SFW :)
Arizona BugBBQ - Any technology implementations should be referred to the technology/data maintainers
Thanks for sharing this @ctb! I just launched the lessons and it still builds okay. I think @aschuerch's suggestion to add this to the instructor notes makes sense