databucket-server icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
databucket-server copied to clipboard

Open Source Test Data Management Tool

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About project

Databucket is an Open Source Test Data Management Tool. It delivers features to effectively create and maintain test data and metadata for extensive tests on multiple projects, environments, and various integrated tools at the same time. Databucket stores data in elastic structures, which gives a ready approach to maintain constantly changing test data in the software development process.

Getting started with Databucket

Contribution rules

  1. During development, we are following GitHub flow. In order to provide change or fix in project, one has to:

    1. Create a branch from the repository.
    2. Create, edit, rename, move, or delete files.
    3. Send a pull request from your branch with your proposed changes to kick off a discussion.
    4. Make changes on your branch as needed. Your pull request will update automatically.
    5. Merge the pull request once the branch is ready to be merged.
    6. Tidy up your branches using the delete button in the pull request or on the branches page.

    For more information see Understanding the GitHub flow.

  2. Each commit must contain clear and descriptive commit messages.

  3. Source code must be properly formatted

  4. Source code must be checked according to checkstyle rules

  5. Changes must be well-tested. See also Testing strategy chapter.



Installed below dependencies:

  • Java 17
  • NodeJS 18

Useful commands

command what it does
./gradlew clean assemble compiles java classes
./gradlew test runs all tests
./gradlew buildFrontend installs frontend dependencies and builds frontend
./gradlew copyFrontend buildFrontend and copies frontend file to java resources
export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev && ./gradlew bootRun starts app with dev profile
./gradlew clean build compiles java classes, builds frontend, runs tests and prepares all-in-one runnable jar