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[ISSUE] Issue with `databricks_grants` resource changes the principal name to lowercase

Open pavan088 opened this issue 5 months ago • 0 comments


Module Code
terraform {
  required_providers {
    databricks = {
      source = "databricks/databricks"
      version = "=1.33.0"

variable "catalog" {
  description = "Databricks unity catalog catalog name"
  type = string

variable "managed_location_url" {
  description = "Databricks unity catalog managed location"
  type = string

variable "metastore_id" {
  description = "Databricks unity catalog metastore id"
  type = string

variable "owner" {
  description = "Account admin group name"
  type = string

variable "enable_grants" {
  description = "Check if the Grants are needed"
  type = string

variable "grants" {
  type          = list(object({
    principal   = string
    privileges  = list(string)
  default       = null  # Set default value to null, making it optional

variable "comment" {
  default = null

resource "databricks_catalog" "databricks_unity_catalog" {
  metastore_id = var.metastore_id
  name         = var.catalog
  storage_root = var.managed_location_url
  provider     = databricks
  owner        = var.owner
  comment 	   = var.comment

resource "databricks_grants" "catalog" {
    # Conditionally set the resource count to 1 if enable_grants is "true", else 0
    count = var.enable_grants == "true" ? 1 : 0
    depends_on             = [ databricks_catalog.databricks_unity_catalog ]
    catalog                = databricks_catalog.databricks_unity_catalog.id
    provider               = databricks
    # Use the grants if available
    dynamic "grant" {
        for_each           = var.grants != null ? var.grants : []
        content {
            principal      = grant.value.principal
            privileges     = grant.value.privileges

# create a Unity catalog 
module "unity_catalog_creation" {
  source                    = "./modules/uc-create"
  catalog                   = "uc_customer_${var.env}"
  # managed_location_url    = "abfss://[email protected]"
  managed_location_url      = "abfss://${var.uc_storage_container}@${var.datalake_name}.dfs.core.windows.net"
  metastore_id              = var.metastore_id
  owner                     = var.unity_catalog_owner 
  providers                 = { databricks = databricks.workspace }
  # Set the enable_grants to "false" if no grants needed for this resource
  # Setting the enable_grants to "true" makes grants variable mandatory
  enable_grants             = "true"
  grants                    = [ 

      principal             = "xyz_DATABRICKS_GRANTS_photon_user"
      privileges            = ["USE_CATALOG"]
      principal             = "xyz_azure_ad_cmr_user"
      privileges            = ["USE_CATALOG"]

Expected Behavior

Expected behavior is to pick the grants and assign the the grants to the catalog and the principal was case sensitive.

Actual Behavior

This terraform code workes fine in the version "=1.33.0" but gives me error when i upgrade the databricks provider version to "=1.52.0"

Steps to Reproduce

Terraform and provider versions

Is it a regression?

Yes it works fine in version = "=1.33.0"

Debug Output

Error: cannot update grants: Could not find principal with name xyz_databricks_grants_photon_user with module.unity_catalog_creation.databricks_grants.catalog[0] modules/uc-create/ucgrants.tf line 1, in resource "databricks_grants" "catalog": resource "databricks_grants" "catalog"

Important Factoids

The provider is automatically converting the principal name to lower case even if we give camel case principal name

Would you like to implement a fix?

you should fix so that the provider should take the principal name as provided by the user with out changing it to lower case

pavan088 avatar Sep 25 '24 13:09 pavan088