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[ISSUE] Issue with renaming `databricks_catalog` resource.

Open mattthaber opened this issue 7 months ago • 0 comments


before running the code, we had someone manually create a catalog from a delta share called "prod2_share". the goal here is 1) import that catalog into terraform then (2) rename it then (3) create a workspace binding for it

resource "databricks_catalog" "prod2_share" {
  name           = "prod2"
  share_name     = "prod-share"
  isolation_mode = "ISOLATED"
  provider_name  = "aws:us-east-1:xxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxx"

import {
  provider = databricks.workspace

  to = databricks_catalog.prod2_share
  id = "prod2_share"

resource "databricks_catalog_workspace_binding" "prod2_shared" {
  provider = databricks.workspace

  securable_name = databricks_catalog.prod2_share.name
  workspace_id   = "XXXXXX"

plan from the above showed....

  # databricks_catalog.prod will be updated in-place
  # (imported from "prod2_share")
!   resource "databricks_catalog" "prod2_share" {
+       force_destroy  = false
        id             = "prod2_share"
        isolation_mode = "ISOLATED"
        metastore_id   = "xxxxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxx"
!       name           = "prod2_share" -> "prod2"
        owner          = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
        provider_name  = "aws:us-east-1:xxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxx"
        share_name     ="prod-share"

  # databricks_catalog_workspace_binding.prod2_shared will be created
  + resource "databricks_catalog_workspace_binding" "prod2_shared" {
      + binding_type   = "BINDING_TYPE_READ_WRITE"
      + id             = (known after apply)
      + securable_name = "prod2"
      + securable_type = "catalog"
      + workspace_id   = xxxxxxxxx

Expected Behavior

  • on terraform apply, the above plan works as intended, it renames the catalog and all is good

Actual Behavior

  • can see in apply it thinks it did the modification
databricks_catalog.prod2_share[0]: Modifying... [id=prod2_share]
databricks_catalog.prod2_share[0]: Modifications complete after 0s [id=prod2_share]
  • then throws this error...
│ Error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan
│ When expanding the plan for
│ databricks_catalog_workspace_binding.prod2_shared[0] to include new values
│ learned so far during apply, provider
│ "registry.terraform.io/databricks/databricks" produced an invalid new value
│ for .securable_name: was cty.StringVal("prod2"), but now
│ cty.StringVal("prod2_share").
│ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's
│ own issue tracker.

  • aftewards i checked if the imported catalog was renamed, and it was NOT. This i assume is the root issue here, which is renaming it did nothing.
  • obviously i should of imported first, then done follow up PRs to rename/workspace bindings, but not sure if that would fix, considering it didnt rename the catalog despite it thinking it did. This also resulted in a bad tf state, where it thinks the catalog has a name now that it does not.

Steps to Reproduce

  • in one apply, import a delta share catalog, rename it, and create a workspace binding from it

Terraform and provider versions


Debug Output

Important Factoids

Would you like to implement a fix?

mattthaber avatar Jul 24 '24 16:07 mattthaber