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some of databricks runtime libraries not present in databricks docker container
IIUC, databricks runtime libraries will be injected while creating cluster. But some of runtime libraries like seaborn, matplotlib as given in not present in the databricks cluster that created using docker container
env.yml name: dcs-minimal channels:
- default dependencies:
- pip:
- pyarrow==0.13.0
- python=3.7.3
- six=1.12.0
- nomkl=3
- ipython=7.4.0
- numpy=1.16.2
- pandas=0.24.2
Want to how to have all runtime libraries as given in the below link
Only runtime jar/scala libraries are injected when creating a cluster. Python libraries are derived from your base image itself, and these base images are not kept in sync with the exact runtime libraries, partly because our users want to customize the exact image, instead of reusing the runtime libraries.
A newer issue about this problem
Since issues like those are submitted, there is a community of Databricks users who expect the DCS images to correspond to the DBR runtimes.