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Gossamer bioinformatics suite
Hi I run xenome on Ubuntu 18.04 with this command: xenome classify -P idx -T 4 -M 16 -i /mnt/4d851bf6-7749-4470-b5b5-72c293f2b3f2/IDH1/Samples/0_fastq/2_S2_Complete_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz -v --preserve-read-order --output-filename-prefix S2 My input fastq file have 86751424...
I am trying to build gossamer on a RHEL 7.7 system, with boost version 1.58, and encountering this error: Linking CXX executable testGossCmdBuildGraph libgosslib.a(PhysicalFileFactory.cc.o): In function `boost::filesystem::copy_file(boost::filesystem::path const&, boost::filesystem::path const&)':...
Cf Trouble Building Gossamer with Boost (#24)
Dear, I am trying to build Gossamer for one of our users on one of our clusters (CentOS 7.4, SkyLake nodes). I have put a simple script together following the...
Hi, I have previously used Xenome to classify mouse reads from human reads from bulk PE RNA-seq data and the tool has worked very well. Now I would like to...
Hi Sorry to repeat #12 but having a tagged release to refer back to would be really useful. We're starting to review this tool set for use in our research....
This doesn't fix the underlying threading problem, but should stop xenome classify from hanging by moving some of the exit points around.
Hi all, I have a problem during the "make" part of gossamer installation. I tried on two different systems (Ubuntu 17.10 with boost 1.58, and CentOS 7 with boost 1.53)...
I want to build for the latest assemblies from human and mouse **.dna.primary_assembly.fa** I tried up to 400GB and it kept dying with: ` "caught unexpected exception: std::bad_alloc" ` Did...
Hi there, Many thanks for releasing gossamer to the community. I had a few issues trying to use it, namely the documentation is quite sparse and in a typical HPC...