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This is a template you can use for your next data engineering portfolio project.
Data Engineering Project Template
This is a template you can use for your next data engineering portfolio project. To copy it, log into GitHub and click on the Use this template button above.
Here you want to write a short overview of the goals of your project and how it works at a high level. If possible, include one or two images of the end product and architecture diagram (see examples below). is a great tool for creating architecture diagrams.
Data Visualization
Data Architecture
If you decide to include this, you should also talk a bit about why you chose the architecture and tools you did for this project.
Directions or anything needed before running the project.
- Prerequisite 1
- Prerequisite 2
- Prerequisite 3
How to Run This Project
Replace the example step-by-step instructions with your own.
- Install x packages
- Run command:
python x
- Make sure it's running properly by checking z
- To clean up at the end, run script:
Lessons Learned
It's good to reflect on what you learned throughout the process of building this project. Here you might discuss what you would have done differently if you had more time/money/data. Did you end up choosing the right tools or would you try something else next time?
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at: LinkedIn, Twitter