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List of resources for learning R

Learning R - Resources

Last Update : 25-July/2020


  • Listas de cursos https://www.learnr4free.com/en/index.html

R Programming

  • CRAN Contributed Documentation https://cran.r-project.org/
  • What they forgot to teach you about R Jenny Bryan https://rstats.wtf/


  • R Programming for Data Science Roger D. Peng 2016-12-22 http://bit.ly/2AbQRhd
  • R for Data Science Garrett Grolemund & Hadley Wickham http://bit.ly/2AaFWEw
  • Efficient R programming Colin Gillespie & Robin Lovelace http://bit.ly/2AaGKcw
  • Hands-On Programming with R Garrett Grolemund http://bit.ly/2QYJRJZ
  • Advanced R Hadley Wickham http://bit.ly/2AapVhT
  • Wikibook R Programming https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/R_Programming
  • Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners Danielle Navarro http://bit.ly/2DaYoig
  • The Tidynomicon A Brief Introduction to R for Python Programmers Greg Wilson http://bit.ly/2IEh4t8
  • Rad R for academics http://bit.ly/2UufM8b


  • El arte de programar en R Julio Sergio Santana & Efraín Mateos Farfán http://bit.ly/2N2Y1Y8
  • R para Principiantes Juan Bosco Mendoza Vega http://bit.ly/2Zg0I3M

Rstudio webinars

Data Manipulation

tidyr and dplyr Packages

  • Tidy evaluation is one of the major feature of the latest versions of dplyr and tidyr [Video] http://bit.ly/2AbXJLs
  • Tidy eval: Programming with dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot2 Hadley Wickham [Video] http://bit.ly/2QR07N5
  • Data wrangling with R and RStudio [Video] http://bit.ly/2AaocZX slides: http://bit.ly/2QSr7vS
  • Wrangling data in the Tidyverse [Video] (useR! 2018 Conf) [Part 1] http://bit.ly/2SEHDBc [Part 2] http://bit.ly/2SK9EHt
  • dplyr tutorials Suzan Baert http://bit.ly/2AbSHi2
  • Getting more out of dplyr SatRday Amsterdam 2018 slides Suzan Baert http://bit.ly/2QXf28I
  • dplyr 10 tips and tricks Suzan Baert (RoCur WeAreRLadies) http://bit.ly/2AaWb4k
  • STAT 545 Course https://stat545.com/tidy-data.html
  • Let the Data Flow: Pipelines in R with dplyr and magrittr http://bit.ly/2AaVDvz
  • Data Processing with dplyr & tidyr (Rpubs) http://bit.ly/2Aah7Zd
  • Introducción a tidyr: Datos ordenados en R (Rpubs) [español] http://bit.ly/2AaWV9T
  • dplyr Rstudio cheatsheet http://bit.ly/2IEwRcM
  • tidylog Tidylog provides feedback about basic dplyr operations http://bit.ly/2MJJUvq


  • Vignettes for Joins - http://bit.ly/2Zhdsaj
  • Join Functions Jenny Bryan http://bit.ly/2AbUZ0C
  • Joining Data in R with dplyr (Rpubs) http://bit.ly/2ZjTwnm
  • Gif for differrent types of Joins http://bit.ly/2ZixS2L

data.table Package

  • Intro to data.table Package http://bit.ly/2Aa6Yf3
  • Wrangling with data.table http://bit.ly/2QQfLIy
  • R studio cheatsheet (data.table) http://bit.ly/2IEwRcM
  • Data crunching with data.table (Rpubs) http://bit.ly/2AbNCGz
  • Best packages for data manipulation in R (dplyr & data.table) http://bit.ly/2AenZox
  • A data.table and dplyr tour http://bit.ly/2IDlIYd

String manipulation and stringr package

  • String Manipulation in R with stringr (Rpubs) http://bit.ly/2SzLyiR
  • Regular Expression in R Gloria Li and Jenny Bryan http://bit.ly/2SD74Dg

Data Visualization

ggplot2 Package

  • R Graph Gallery http://bit.ly/2UmD3ZN
  • DataCarpentry resources: http://bit.ly/2Aaiwz2
  • Visualización estática e interactiva con ggplot2 y plotly [español] http://bit.ly/2xI2dqH
  • Data Visualization in R http://bit.ly/2AaKzy9
  • R graphics with ggplot2 workshop notes http://bit.ly/2AavgG4
  • Data visualization using ggplot2 http://bit.ly/2Aal7ZT
  • ggplot2 package by Hadley Wickham (Rpubs) http://bit.ly/2AaaeqN
  • 7 Visualizations You Should Learn in R http://bit.ly/2NwhCBf
  • How to make fancy graphs with ggplot2 (Medium post) http://bit.ly/2PTV51W
  • Designing ggplots making clear figures that communicate bit.ly/ggplots
  • Drawing anything with ggplot2 https://github.com/thomasp85/ggplot2_workshop


  • Data Visualization A practical introduction Kieran Healy http://bit.ly/2AaF9n2
  • Data Visualization with R. Rob Kabacoff http://bit.ly/2A9pLaj
  • ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis Hadley Wickham https://ggplot2-book.org/

Visualization Courses

  • CS 448B Visualization. Stanford CS course on data visualization techniques (Fall 2018) http://bit.ly/2IDzfyW



  • Broom vignette http://bit.ly/2M42z5y
  • Convenient analysis with broom - Alex Hayes - http://bit.ly/2ZdV7e4
  • broom: a package for tidying statistical models into data frames http://bit.ly/2Wi0FBZ


  • A gentle introduction to tidymodels http://bit.ly/2G176QI
  • Tutorial on tidymodels for Machine Learning https://bit.ly/37iyQwC


  • Auto Machine Learning with H2o.ai #LatinR2019 Erin Ledell http://bit.ly/35nDEQ7
  • Youtube Channel http://bit.ly/2ogLiep

Data Modeling

  • Hands-on Machine Learning with R http://bit.ly/2IBxTEM
  • Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models http://bit.ly/2IEf2Jw

Shiny Web Application

  • Rstudio Resources http://bit.ly/2QOovPq
  • Introduction to Shiny [video] http://bit.ly/2Aat9BQ
  • Testing Shiny applications with Shinytest - Shiny developers now have tools for automated testing of complete applications [video] http://bit.ly/2AauJUq
  • Understanding PCA using Shiny and Stack Overflow data Julia Silge [video] http://bit.ly/2QLmG5K
  • Developing and deploying large scale Shiny applications Herman Sontrop [video] http://bit.ly/2QT8rMx
  • Understanding Shiny Modules [video] http://bit.ly/2AaTuzS
  • Interactive Graphics with Shiny [video] http://bit.ly/2Aau45h
  • Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny https://plotly-r.com/
  • Javascript for Shiny Users https://github.com/rstudio-conf-2020/js-for-shiny
  • Interactive web applications with Shiny - meetup material https://bit.ly/2B0Eacq
  • Production-grade Shiny Apps with golem - rstudio::conf2019 talk https://bit.ly/30G685J
  • Building Big Shiny Apps — A Workflow – 1/2 2/2
  • Building a Shiny App as a Package https://bit.ly/30EgTpb
  • Testing shiny Apss https://speakerdeck.com/colinfay/erum-2020-testing-shiny-why-what-and-how
  • A gRadual introduction to Shiny. https://laderast.github.io/gradual_shiny/index.html


  • Mastering Shiny Hadley Wickham http://bit.ly/2z89f9l
  • Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny http://bit.ly/2IBuR3m
  • Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps https://engineering-shiny.org/

R Markdown

  • R Markdown Gallery http://bit.ly/2QPHxoI
  • R Markdown articles http://bit.ly/2A9LfEe
  • R Markdown Rstudio lessons http://bit.ly/2A9Ln6G
  • R Markdown and knitr make it easy to intermingle code and text to generate compelling reports and presentations that are never out of date. [video] http://bit.ly/2A9MH9E
  • Beyond static reports with R Markdown [video] http://bit.ly/2Ac2jtd
  • Introducing Notebooks with R Markdown [video] http://bit.ly/2AaYPXH
  • RMarkdown Tips and Tricks - An Introduction to RMarkdown http://bit.ly/2P1NjaA
  • RMarkdwon Workshop http://bit.ly/2P3kYkt
  • Reproducible Reporting http://bit.ly/2A9MH9E
  • 15 Tips on Making Better Use of R Markdown Yihui Xie https://slides.yihui.org/2019-dahshu-rmarkdown#1


  • R Markdown: The Definitive Guide Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemund http://bit.ly/2QNTISX
  • Introduction to RMarkdown http://bit.ly/2P59GMo
  • RMarkdown for Scientists http://bit.ly/2T2Uca8

Bookdown & Blogdown

  • Introducing bookdown [video] http://bit.ly/2AbArpc
  • Introducing blogdown, a new R package to make blogs and websites with R Markdown [video] http://bit.ly/2AamVSt
  • A week of blogdown for RStudio's summer 2019 interns Alison Hill https://summer-of-blogdown.netlify.com/


  • bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown Yihui Xie http://bit.ly/2QLTZWq
  • blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Alison Presmanes Hill http://bit.ly/2QPjCpm

R code Best Practices

  • R Best Practices: R you writing the R way! http://bit.ly/2P2TkE3
  • R Code – Best practices http://bit.ly/2P13Mfq
  • Best Practices for Writing R Code [The Carpentries] http://bit.ly/2P3485h

R Package Development

  • Write your first R Package (STAT 545 Course) Jenny Bryan http://bit.ly/2OjiBs2
  • You can make a package in 20 minutes Jim Hester [Video] http://bit.ly/2QR3K5D
  • What makes a great R package? Joseph Rickert [Video] http://bit.ly/2QLS9Vw
  • How to develop good R packages (for open science) Maëlle Salmon http://bit.ly/2QTXgmP
  • Writing an R package from scratch (Not so Standard deviations blogpost) Hilary Parker http://bit.ly/2QOlONO
  • R Package Development Pictorial http://bit.ly/2QP5tbW
  • Developing Packages with RStudio http://bit.ly/2QOav8v
  • Writing an R package from scratch http://bit.ly/2QTWZAj
  • Reproducible Research: Writing an R Package. http://bit.ly/2AarXi0
  • Advanced R Course (Chapter 6: R Packages) Florian Privé http://bit.ly/2QT53kN
  • rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review http://bit.ly/2P3k7QN
  • R Package Development Tutorial #LatinR2019 Hadley Wickham https://github.com/hadley/pkg-dev
  • Make an R Package - the easy way - Matt Dray http://bit.ly/2PCEhQh
  • Usethis package development workflow http://bit.ly/2pzuoIg


  • R Packages Hadley Wickham http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/

purrr Package - Functional Programming

  • Happy R Users Purrr – Tutorial Charlotte Wickham [Video] http://bit.ly/2AakkIv
  • Purrr tutorial - Charlotte Wickham http://bit.ly/2AaDCNO
  • Purrr tutorial - Jenny Bryan http://bit.ly/2QSVoLC
  • Package CRAN Documentation http://bit.ly/2zbuSFz
  • Purrr as part of the tidyverse http://bit.ly/2z6gFcO
  • The joy of Functional Programming Hadley Wickham http://bit.ly/2IC2qCk
  • Purrr - tips and tricks https://bit.ly/2AWODF6
  • Two examples of iteration with purrr - Class for the R-Studio certification https://bit.ly/3dzWKoK

How to write functions in R.

  • Jenny Bryan's STAT 545 Course http://bit.ly/2QGCtnc
  • Jenny Bryan's Talk in RLadies Bs As Writing R functions for fun and profit http://bit.ly/2xMqhsu


  • Spatial Data Analysis and Modeling with R http://rspatial.org/
  • Spatial modelling using ‘raster’ package (useR! Conf 2018) - [Part 1] http://bit.ly/2SJ9PTB [Part 2] http://bit.ly/2SIJgOr
  • Spatial Data Science Edzer Pebesma, Roger Bivand https://keen-swartz-3146c4.netlify.com/

Reproducible Research

  • Best Practices for Scientific Computing Greg Wilson … Paul Wilson | PLoS Biology 2014 http://bit.ly/2SHZqrs
  • Good enough practices in scientific computing Greg Wilson ... Tracy Teal| PlOS Computational Biology 2017 http://bit.ly/2zhSSXW
  • Reproducibility in Science - ROpenSci - http://bit.ly/2P18DgA
  • The drake R Package User Manual http://bit.ly/2P4n9nK
  • rrtools: Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R - http://bit.ly/2zhMekA
  • Use of an R package to facilitate reproducible research - http://bit.ly/2zhP8G0

Metaprogramming - TidyEval

  • Tidy evaluation Lionel Henry & Hadley Wickham http://bit.ly/2P5oRFy
  • Lazy evaluation Jenny Bryan [video Rstudio conf 2019] http://bit.ly/2P82pvn [material] http://bit.ly/2PgphbY

Tutorials from different topics

  • The coding club http://bit.ly/2SJzTy7
  • The R class R programming for biologists http://bit.ly/2SD71HA
  • R for NFL analysis http://bit.ly/2ICmqoo

R Courses with Tidyverse

  • Tidy Data Science Workshop (Jun-2019) http://bit.ly/2ID1mhV
  • RaukR-2019 http://rstd.io/raukr
  • UC Business Analytics R Programming Guide http://uc-r.github.io/
  • STAT 545A/547M: Exploratory Data Analysis - Jenny Bryan - http://bit.ly/31fsz0t
  • Data Science in a Box - Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel - http://bit.ly/2PcydPU
  • R for learning and teaching R List of resources http://bit.ly/2PaIqwc
  • BIMS8382 Spring 2018 https://bims8382.github.io/2018/
  • Course materials for Applied Machine Learning course in 2019 in London https://github.com/topepo/aml-london-2019