> Thanks! I'll be taking a look at that disc as well. It's the 2 in 1 disc, I completed the muxing process and there were noticeable breaks in the...
@domyd I've just tried Cars UHD which has 95 segments and has noticable breaks in the THD during playback from a file made with MakeMKV. All is good! Here is...
All is good! It worked perfectly with no errors!
I just tried Midway UHD and it's way out. [Midway.UHD.txt](https://github.com/domyd/mlp/files/4966689/Midway.UHD.txt)
Both Midway and Knives Out are Lionsgate discs with obfuscated playlists and Screenpass
Obfuscation as in the file is broken into segments and they also add a fake playlist to try and add further confusion.
Another one for you @domyd Are you still looking into this issue? It's Resident Evil Apocalypse [REA.txt](https://github.com/domyd/mlp/files/5545254/REA.txt)
Good to know you're still looking into it @domyd. I have been using DGDemux as I find it is much better than MakeMKV. I quite often get dropouts and sync...
@videoh There are breaks in the TrueHD and it goes out of sync, IIRC it only happens on the extended version of Resident Evil Apocalypse, it's a 2 in 1...
I would guess it goes a good couple of seconds out of sync so you will definitely notice it. You need the UHD 2 in 1 disc which has the...