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cpp11 branch - support for move only types
It would be very useful if functions with move only types such as uinique_ptr could be mocked.
class IFoo {
virtual void bar( std::unique_ptr<IBar>) = 0:
I've tried to see where the problems are. Part of the problem is missing forwarding or moving
template <int X, typename... Args>
void expectation(Args... args)
std::tuple<Args...> argT(std::forward<Args>(args)...); /// <-- added forward here
mock<Z> *realMock = mock<Z>::getRealThis();
if (realMock->isZombie)
MockRepository *repo = realMock->repo;
repo->DoVoidExpectation(realMock, realMock->translateX(X), std::move(argT)); /// <-- added move here
Those can easily be changed. The more problematic issue is with constness.
template <typename Y, typename... Args, int... Nums>
Y _invoke(const std::function<Y(Args...)> &func, seq<Nums...>, const std::tuple<Args...>& args) {
return func( std::forward<Args>(std::get<Nums>( *const_cast<std::tuple<Args...>*>(&args))...)...); /// <- removed const & forward here
With that "hack" the following code compiled.
MockRepository mocks;
auto foo = mocks.Mock<IFoo>();
mocks.ExpectCall(foo, IFoo::bar);
I've looked into making the auto_ptr case compile for unique_ptr and I got mostly stuck with OnCall with returns. You can only return it once - because then it's gone. Not sure if I committed that change though; I think I haven't.
The tuple const-ness is an issue that needs fixing. I think it shouldn't be const in most cases actually. You'll run into issues with in/out parameters though.
For returning move only types, either once is OK or a generator must be used. Do(...)
can be used for that, so that seems reasonable. Out parameters makes no sense for a move only types, so that that doesn't compile also seems reasonable.