web copied to clipboard
Blob download not working as before
I am trying to update my app from dart:html to package:web
I had this function:
Future<String?> downloadData(Uint8List data, {required String filename}) async {
final blob = html.Blob([data], 'text/plain', 'native');
html.AnchorElement(href: html.Url.createObjectUrlFromBlob(blob))
..setAttribute('download', filename)
return null;
and updated it to this:
Future<String?> downloadData(Uint8List data, {required String filename}) async {
final blob = web.Blob(
web.BlobPropertyBag(type: 'text/plain', endings: 'native'),
..href = web.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
..setAttribute('download', filename)
return null;
But the excel I want to download says it is corrupted and needs to be fixed to work.
I took a look at the resulting excel file in VSCode and found that there are subtle changes to some of the bytes randomly every time I run it. With the same code and the same data
For example the start line:
- "PK���&PYbi��������xl/drawings/drawing1.xml��Kn�0��������F6�'(�ړ�hƔp�ZP�RY�XZ������zt��Bb|#�i)"
- "PK���5PYbi��������xl/drawings/drawing1.xml��Kn�0��������F6�'(�ړ�hƔp�ZP�RY�XZ������zt��Bb|#�i)"
You can see that "&P" turned into "5P"
Additionally the file size increased 7x from 5kb to 36kb. This is due to the file ending in 27777 additional null characters
I attached both the the broken and the legit version as excel files broken.xlsx legit.xlsx