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Add support for importing ROHD
Would love to see support for importing the ROHD package in dart pad! https://pub.dev/packages/rohd
Can you please supply a single page sample showing how to use ROHD in a useful way?
We need a proof of life script to make sure it is working as part of an implementation change.
Sure, here's a slightly modified example from the repo that should work well!
/// Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
/// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
/// example.dart
/// A very basic example of a counter module.
/// 2021 September 17
/// Author: Max Korbel <[email protected]>
// Import the ROHD package
import 'package:rohd/rohd.dart';
// Define a class Counter that extends ROHD's abstract Module class
class Counter extends Module {
// For convenience, map interesting outputs to short variable names for consumers of this module
Logic get val => output('val');
// This counter supports any width, determined at run-time
final int width;
Counter(Logic en, Logic reset, Logic clk,
{this.width = 8, String name = 'counter'})
: super(name: name) {
// Register inputs and outputs of the module in the constructor.
// Module logic must consume registered inputs and output to registered outputs.
en = addInput('en', en);
reset = addInput('reset', reset);
clk = addInput('clk', clk);
var val = addOutput('val', width: width);
// A local signal named 'nextVal'
var nextVal = Logic(name: 'nextVal', width: width);
// Assignment statement of nextVal to be val+1 (<= is the assignment operator)
nextVal <= val + 1;
// `Sequential` is like SystemVerilog's always_ff, in this case trigger on the positive edge of clk
Sequential(clk, [
// `If` is a conditional if statement, like `if` in SystemVerilog always blocks
If(reset, then: [
// the '<' operator is a conditional assignment
val < 0
], orElse: [
If(en, then: [val < nextVal])
// Let's simulate with this counter a little, monitor the output, and take a look at generated SystemVerilog.
Future<void> main() async {
// Define some local signals.
var en = Logic(name: 'en'), reset = Logic(name: 'reset');
// Generate a simple clock. This will run along by itself as the Simulator goes.
var clk = SimpleClockGenerator(10).clk;
// Build a counter.
var counter = Counter(en, reset, clk);
// Before we can simulate or generate code with the counter, we need to build it.
await counter.build();
// Let's see what this module looks like as SystemVerilog, so we can pass it to other tools.
var systemVerilogCode = counter.generateSynth(SystemVerilogSynthesizer());
print('///// Generated SystemVerilog code /////');
// Now let's try simulating!
// Let's start off with a disabled counter and asserting reset.
// Drop reset at time 25.
Simulator.registerAction(25, () => reset.put(0));
// Raise enable at time 45.
Simulator.registerAction(45, () => en.put(1));
// Add a print message triggered when the output changes
counter.val.changed.listen((event) {
print('Counter value changed @${Simulator.time}: $event');
// Print a message when we're done with the simulation!
Simulator.registerAction(100, () {
print('Simulation completed!');
// Set a maximum time for the simulation so it doesn't keep running forever.
// Kick off the simulation.
await Simulator.run();
Closed in #995
Actually, this isn't shipped to production, so I'm re-opening this issue. This package has been shipped to our hidden testing instance https://dartpad.dev/?channel=dev
Please exercise your suggested package on this instance and confirm here that it works as intended. If you do confirm this as working I'll ship it to stable
, beta
, master
, and old
channels on dartpad.dev. If you don't confirm, I won't ship it.
Verified with the above sample code.
///// Generated SystemVerilog code /////
* Generated by ROHD - www.github.com/intel/rohd
* Generation time: 2023-01-16 17:47:17.686
* ROHD Version: 0.4.1
module Counter(
input logic en,
input logic reset,
input logic clk,
output logic [7:0] val
logic [7:0] nextVal;
// sequential
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if(reset) begin
val <= 8'h0;
end else begin
if(en) begin
val <= nextVal;
assign nextVal = val + 8'h1; // add
endmodule : Counter
Counter value changed @5: 8'bzzzzzzzz --> 8'h0
Counter value changed @45: 8'h0 --> 8'h1
Counter value changed @55: 8'h1 --> 8'h2
Counter value changed @65: 8'h2 --> 8'h3
Counter value changed @75: 8'h3 --> 8'h4
Counter value changed @85: 8'h4 --> 8'h5
Counter value changed @95: 8'h5 --> 8'h6
Simulation completed!
I just tried it out and it appears to be working! Thank you!!