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[BUG] - `flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics check-unused-files lib` never finishes

Open ValentinVignal opened this issue 2 years ago • 29 comments

  • Dart code metrics version: 4.14.0

  • Dart sdk version:

Dart SDK version: 2.16.2 (stable) (Tue Mar 22 13:15:13 2022 +0100) on "macos_x64"

Please show your full configuration:

include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml

    - dart_code_metrics
    implicit-casts: false
    implicit-dynamic: true
    undefined_prefixed_name: ignore
    always_put_required_named_parameters_first: true
    always_use_package_imports: true
    avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions: true
    avoid_classes_with_only_static_members: true
    avoid_double_and_int_checks: true
    avoid_dynamic_calls: true
    avoid_escaping_inner_quotes: true
    avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes: true
    avoid_js_rounded_ints: true
    avoid_multiple_declarations_per_line: true
    avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators: true
    avoid_private_typedef_functions: true
    avoid_redundant_argument_values: true
    avoid_returning_null_for_future: true
    avoid_setters_without_getters: true
    avoid_shadowing_type_parameters: true
    avoid_slow_async_io: true
    avoid_type_to_string: true
    avoid_types_on_closure_parameters: true
    avoid_unused_constructor_parameters: true
    avoid_void_async: true
    cancel_subscriptions: true
    cascade_invocations: true
    cast_nullable_to_non_nullable: true
    close_sinks: true
    comment_references: true
    conditional_uri_does_not_exist: true
    depend_on_referenced_packages: true
    directives_ordering: true
    empty_constructor_bodies: true
    eol_at_end_of_file: true
    flutter_style_todos: true
    invariant_booleans: true
    join_return_with_assignment: true
    leading_newlines_in_multiline_strings: true
    lines_longer_than_80_chars: false # We use 160: true
    literal_only_boolean_expressions: true
    missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings: true
    no_adjacent_strings_in_list: true
    no_logic_in_create_state: true
    no_runtimeType_toString: true
    noop_primitive_operations: true
    null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter: true
    omit_local_variable_types: true
    one_member_abstracts: false # Flutter disabled it because it is useful to have abstract classes with only one member
    only_throw_errors: true
    package_api_docs: true
    parameter_assignments: true
    prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists: true
    prefer_constructors_over_static_methods: true
    prefer_final_in_for_each: true
    prefer_final_locals: true
    prefer_foreach: true
    prefer_if_elements_to_conditional_expressions: true
    prefer_null_aware_method_calls: true
    prefer_null_aware_operators: true
    prefer_mixin: false # Has false positives, see https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/3018.
    prefer_single_quotes: true
    public_member_api_docs: true
    sized_box_shrink_expand: true
    sort_child_properties_last: true
    sort_constructors_first: true
    sort_pub_dependencies: true
    sort_unnamed_constructors_first: true
    test_types_in_equals: true
    throw_in_finally: true
    tighten_type_of_initializing_formals: true
    unawaited_futures: true
    unnecessary_await_in_return: true
    unnecessary_constructor_name: true
    unnecessary_lambdas: true
    unnecessary_late: true
    unnecessary_null_aware_assignments: true
    unnecessary_null_checks: true
    unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations: true
    unnecessary_parenthesis: true
    unnecessary_raw_strings: true
    unnecessary_statements: true
    unsafe_html: true
    use_decorated_box: true
    use_if_null_to_convert_nulls_to_bools: true
    use_is_even_rather_than_modulo: true
    use_key_in_widget_constructors: false
    use_late_for_private_fields_and_variables: true
    use_named_constants: true
    use_raw_strings: true
    use_setters_to_change_properties: true
    use_test_throws_matchers: true
    valid_regexps: true
    void_checks: true

    - long-method
    - long-parameter-list
    cyclomatic-complexity: 20
    maximum-nesting-level: 5
    number-of-parameters: 4
    source-lines-of-code: 50
    - "lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart" # This file is automatically created when you debug on web
    - "**/*.g.dart"
    - "**/*.gql.dart"
    - avoid-nested-conditional-expressions
    - no-boolean-literal-compare
    - no-empty-block:
          - test/** # we often pass empty callbacks in tests when they are required
    - prefer-trailing-comma:
        severity: style # default is warning and that would fail on Bitrise
    - no-equal-then-else
    - avoid-border-all
    - avoid-returning-widgets
    # It is a rule name.
    # cSpell:disable-next-line
    - avoid-unnecessary-setstate
    - avoid-wrapping-in-padding
    - prefer-const-border-radius
    - avoid-missing-enum-constant-in-map
    - format-comment
    - no-magic-number
    - prefer-async-await
    - prefer-commenting-analyzer-ignores
    - prefer-first
    - prefer-last

What did you do? Please include the source code example causing the issue.

flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics check-unused-files lib

What did you expect to happen? Something

What actually happened?

Nothing, there is no log at all.

Are you willing to submit a pull request to fix this bug?

Why not, but I have not looked at the code.

ValentinVignal avatar Apr 25 '22 08:04 ValentinVignal

hi @incendial , you were too fast for me. I opened the issue https://github.com/dart-code-checker/dart-code-metrics/issues/810 with the wrong account

Here is the one I meant to create. Sorry for the trouble.

To answer your question https://github.com/dart-code-checker/dart-code-metrics/issues/810#issuecomment-1108229521

@ValentinVignalNovade hi, thanks for reporting the issue! It's really hard to tell, what's went wrong. Any chance, you can provide a reproduction?

I'm willing to give you more information, how do you want me to do that ? A repo ?

ValentinVignal avatar Apr 25 '22 08:04 ValentinVignal

@ValentinVignal yes, a repo would be the best way so that I'll be able to clone it and debug this bug locally

incendial avatar Apr 25 '22 08:04 incendial

Hello @incendial, I'm having hard time to reproduced it with a dummy/small repo. I wonder if this is because our project is starting to be quite big. Do you have some suggestion on how I could narrow down what is wrong?

ValentinVignal avatar Apr 26 '22 03:04 ValentinVignal

@ValentinVignal could you run the command on parts of your project and check when it becomes infinite?

incendial avatar Apr 26 '22 05:04 incendial

@ValentinVignal a kind reminder, looking forward for repro 🙂

incendial avatar May 02 '22 10:05 incendial

I'm working non it. The issue is that it is happening on my company's repo which is not open source and I cannot share 😕 So I have to manage to understand where/why it is blocked. I'm currently running it in sub-folders and I'm starting to wonder if it was just very long and I wasn't patient enough.

Our lib folder has 2676 dart files, is there a possibility that this is too many for the complexity of the command?

ValentinVignal avatar May 06 '22 04:05 ValentinVignal

if it was just very long and I wasn't patient enough.

That's might be true, actually. We don't have any progress indication yet.

Our lib folder has 2676 dart files, is there a possibility that this is too many for the complexity of the command?

I'm not sure, coz no one reported this problem before.

I think we can add a progress indication of some sort and you'll be able to recheck properly.

incendial avatar May 06 '22 07:05 incendial

I think we can add a progress indication of some sort and you'll be able to recheck properly.

this could be a good first step yeah

ValentinVignal avatar May 06 '22 08:05 ValentinVignal

image Also happened to me, it will never exit the command

chenbokun97 avatar Jul 04 '22 02:07 chenbokun97

@chenbokun97 any chance you can create a reproduction?

incendial avatar Jul 05 '22 12:07 incendial

I also have this issue. I just discovered the issue occurs with analyzer 4.2.0, but downgrading analyzer to 4.1.0 works.

maxlapides avatar Jul 05 '22 19:07 maxlapides

I'm also seeing this issue when using

flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics analyze --fatal-style --fatal-performance --fatal-warnings lib test scripts

JCQuintas avatar Jul 12 '22 16:07 JCQuintas

@JCQuintas what version of dart_code_metrics and analyzer do you have?

incendial avatar Jul 12 '22 17:07 incendial

dart_code_metrics: ^4.14.0
analyzer: 4.1.0

JCQuintas avatar Jul 12 '22 17:07 JCQuintas

Can anyone create an example with this problem? I can't reproduce it locally.

incendial avatar Jul 12 '22 17:07 incendial

https://github.com/chenbokun/flutter @incendial I created a new flutter project and added analyzer and run flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics analyze lib --set-exit-on-violation-level=warning then it will reproduce flutter v2.10.5 macOS 12.4

chenbokun97 avatar Jul 13 '22 01:07 chenbokun97

@chenbokun97 cloned the repo and downgraded to 2.10.5 - still getting the output ✔ no issues found!. It's not instant, but still finishes

incendial avatar Jul 13 '22 11:07 incendial

@incendial I found that there is no default exit after runCommand in AnalyzeCommand, can it be the reason?

chenbokun97 avatar Jul 14 '22 08:07 chenbokun97

@incendial I found that there is no default exit after runCommand in AnalyzeCommand, can it be the reason?

It should not affect the invocation anyhow, but since you have the local clone, can you add exit(0) to the end of https://github.com/dart-code-checker/dart-code-metrics/blob/b4bc57b0a82c7d09bffe87ad9d35ea145c7d8354/lib/src/cli/cli_runner.dart#L40 ?

incendial avatar Jul 15 '22 08:07 incendial

sure, I add exit(0) and it works, now it will finish immediately I'm wondering that maybe the command timeout duration in your computer is too short so it can be done in several seconds? I have to wait for minutes until it ends

chenbokun97 avatar Jul 15 '22 08:07 chenbokun97

sure, I add exit(0) and it works, now it will finish immediately I'm wondering that maybe the command timeout duration in your computer is too short so it can be done in several seconds? I have to wait for minutes until it ends

Very interesting, thanks for pointing this out! Will add it to the next release

incendial avatar Jul 15 '22 10:07 incendial

If you want to contribute, feel free to open a PR

incendial avatar Jul 15 '22 10:07 incendial

Thanks so much, I will upgrade and test it once it releases

chenbokun97 avatar Jul 18 '22 01:07 chenbokun97

So glad this is finally addressed! Could you maybe push this onto another dev release so we can use it right away? We are using dart code metrics heavily, and especially the pre-commit hook takes minutes to complete due to this issue.

inf0rmatix avatar Jul 26 '22 08:07 inf0rmatix

@inf0rmatix we plan to release the new version today, so there is no need for dev release

incendial avatar Jul 26 '22 12:07 incendial

4.17.0 is out right now, please check if the issue is fixed

incendial avatar Jul 26 '22 19:07 incendial

@incendial Unfortunately, this issue is still occurring for us with Dart Code Metrics 4.17.0 + Flutter 3.0.5 + analyzer 4.3.1

maxlapides avatar Jul 26 '22 22:07 maxlapides


Also happened to me, it will never exit the command

@maxlapides you see the same result? Or not even the "no issues found" output?

incendial avatar Jul 27 '22 07:07 incendial

@incendial updated the package, works like a charm now, proper exit code used :) thank you so much!

inf0rmatix avatar Jul 27 '22 09:07 inf0rmatix

@incendial This is what I'm seeing in our CI system now:

> flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics check-unused-files lib test packages/*/lib packages/*/test --fatal-unused --exclude='lib/**/*.pb*.dart' > danger/metrics-unused-files

pub finished with exit code -[9]

maxlapides avatar Aug 23 '22 18:08 maxlapides