dart-code-metrics copied to clipboard
[BUG] Extreme CPU and Memory Usage
I'm not sure if this should be a question or a bug:
Is there a way to reduce the CPU and Memory load of the plugin?
I am using VSCode. When I set dart_code_metrics
as an analyzer plugin I am seeing an immediate and sustained jump in CPU and Memory usage on my Macbook Pro 2.4ghz 32gb ram.
Here is my pubspec.yaml
. I'm currently on flutter version 2.5.1
name: my_flutter_package
publish_to: "none"
version: 1.0.0+1
sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"
flutter: ">=2.5.0 <2.6.0"
dart_code_metrics: ^4.3.0
flutter_lints: ^1.0.4
Here is my analysis_options.yaml
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
todo: info
include_file_not_found: ignore
unrelated_type_equality_checks: error
- .flutter/**
- /**/build/**
- /**/mocks/**
- /**/l10n/**
- dart_code_metrics
- long-method
- long-parameter-list
cyclomatic-complexity: 20
lines-of-executable-code: 50
number-of-parameters: 4
maximum-nesting: 5
- test/**
- .flutter/**
- /**/build/**
- /**/mocks/**
- /**/l10n/**
- newline-before-return
- no-boolean-literal-compare
- no-empty-block
- prefer-trailing-comma
- prefer-conditional-expressions
- no-equal-then-else
When I have the plugin in the analyzer plugins, I am seeing this in the analyzer server diagnostics:
As soon as I remove this line and reload my VSCode, I see the following:
- dart_code_metrics
@m-skolnick please provide flutter / dart versions.
@m-skolnick please provide flutter / dart versions.
Apologies.. I just added the info to my initial comment. flutter: 2.5.1
@m-skolnick please upgrade to 2.5.3. In this version fixed analysis server memory leaks https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Hotfixes-to-the-Stable-Channel#253-october-15-2021
@m-skolnick how long is the period of high CPU utilization? After a couple of minutes, is there a drop in the load?
I'm still seeing the same on flutter 2.5.3.
CPU usage is definitely the highest in the first few minutes.. 90% - 190%, then it's dropping to around 40% after 5 min.
Memory however, steadily climbs to around 5,000 MB, and it stays there no matter how long I let it sit.
First 5 min:
After 10 min:
@m-skolnick hi, so sorry for the long response. It's really hard to say, where the memory leak comes from and we'll need to investigate it better. I think one way to check would be to create an empty plugin and get the memory load metrics. I think we can do this in a few weeks.
Experiencing the same issue with Flutter 2.5.3, on macOS 11.6 in VS Code 1.62.3. See analysis_options.yaml
Removing the dart_code_metrics
from plugins
in analysis_options.yaml
helps to bring resource utilization to a normal level but of course deactivates the plugin itself.
Thanks for looking into that!
@vmalyi could you test the performance with a single rule in config, for instance:
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
- lib/**/*.g.dart
- lib/generated
- test/mocked_classes.mocks.dart
use_key_in_widget_constructors: ignore
- newline-before-return
and check if there is any difference?
Btw.. I don't think this is new. This is something I saw on old versions as well. I briefly used dart_code_metrics
a few months ago and was seeing the same thing.
Btw.. I don't think this is new.
I think the same. The only problem now is to understand from where the bug comes from: it's either the integration or our code. Since we don't save any state between file analysis, I'd bet on the integration. But we still need a proof.
@vmalyi could you test the performance with a single rule in config, for instance:
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml analyzer: exclude: - lib/**/*.g.dart - lib/generated - test/mocked_classes.mocks.dart errors: use_key_in_widget_constructors: ignore dart_code_metrics: rules: - newline-before-return
and check if there is any difference?
Sure, @incendial!
As you asked, I've left only the newline-before-return
rule and ran "Developer: Reload Window" command.
After analysis has finished (it took a couple of minutes), the analyzer identified 256 errors but resource usage according to Analysis Server Diagnostics was still high:
- CPU: 93.2%
- Memory: 3,301 MB

@vmalyi thank you! One last question - doest it consumes less memory / CPU with a single rule enabled or it's about the same amount?
@vmalyi thank you! One last question - doest it consumes less memory / CPU with a single rule enabled or it's about the same amount?
Regardless of the number of rules activated, it consumes the same high amount of memory: the resource utilization is roughly the same with a single or multiple rules activated.
Thank you! That helps a lot. It looks more like an analyzer issue, then ours. May I ask you to check one more thing?
Thank you! That helps a lot. It looks more like an analyzer issue, then ours. May I ask you to check one more thing?
Sure, go ahead, @incendial, happy to help investigating this!
Could you install another plugin, for example this one https://github.com/incendial/dartup-plugin-example and check how much memory it will consume? It's not published to pub, you need to set it up locally.
Could you install another plugin, for example this one https://github.com/incendial/dartup-plugin-example and check how much memory it will consume? It's not published to pub, you need to set it up locally.
@incendial I gave that string_finder_plugin
a try in our project and CPU utilization was a little above 100% during the 1st minute after reloading VS code window but after this (starting from approx. 1:15) normalized to 4-5% and remained at the same level.

@vmalyi thank you! That changes everything. Looks like the problem is in our code 🤔. We'll investigate it further.
I'll post an update today.
I have a medium sized Flutter project and here are the results
with Dart Code Metrics from pub:
without Dart Code Metrics:
with Dart Code Metrics from local path with all our code commented, expect the plugin creation:
Still not clear why the plugin consumes additional 400 mb, but 400mb just for the integration looks a lot. Investigating further.
Hm, now I'm getting ~1200MB for just plugin creation, which is very strange...
Just for transparency, this problem is actively discussed in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/95092
Thank you. This is a good read ^
Sure, hope we'll come to a solution together.
Just for transparency, this problem is actively discussed in flutter/flutter#95092
@incendial Are you sure that this issue is related to the current one?x
@MichaelDark not 100% sure, but it's at least something we can start with. Having a reproduction project would help.
If anyone still has a memory and cpu usage issue with the version 4.11 or higher, please let us know here.
Hi @incendial! I am facing this issue with dart_code_metrics: ^4.15.2
as reported here. Once I removed the dart_code_metrics
from the analysis_options
, the memory consumption got back to under 500Mb. Here is my full analysis_options.yaml
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
- "lib/src/localization_gen/**"
- "**/*.g.dart"
- "**/*.freezed.dart"
- "**/*routes.dart"
- "**/*.gr.dart"
- "**/*dependencies.config.dart"
- "**/*generated_plugin_registrant.dart"
- "**/*.gen.dart"
strict-raw-types: true
implicit-dynamic: true
implicit-casts: true
missing_required_param: warning
missing_return: warning
todo: ignore
invalid_annotation_target: ignore
- dart_code_metrics
- long-method
- long-parameter-list
cyclomatic-complexity: 20
halstead-volume: 150
maximum-nesting-level: 5
number-of-parameters: 4
source-lines-of-code: 50
lines-of-code: 100
maintainability-index: 50
number-of-methods: 10
weight-of-class: 0.33
threshold: 1
todo-cost: 161
ignore-cost: 320
ignore-for-file-cost: 396
as-dynamic-cost: 322
deprecated-annotations-cost: 37
file-nullsafety-migration-cost: 41
unit-type: "USD"
- "test/**"
- prefer-trailing-comma
- prefer-match-file-name
- prefer-single-widget-per-file
- newline-before-return
- no-boolean-literal-compare
- no-empty-block
- prefer-conditional-expressions
- no-equal-then-else
- avoid-global-state
- avoid-ignoring-return-value
- avoid-missin-enum-constant-in-map
- avoid-nested-conditional-expressions:
acceptance-level: 2
- avoid-non-null-assertion
- avoid-throw-in-catch-block
- avoid-unnecessary-type-assertions
- avoid-unnecessary-type-casts
- avoid-unrelated-type-assertions
- avoid-unused-parameters
- binary-expression-operand-order
- double-literal-format
- newline-before-return
- no-boolean-literal-compare
- no-empty-block
- no-object-declaration
- prefer-conditional-expressions
- prefer-correct-identifier-length:
exceptions: [ 'z' ]
max-identifier-length: 30
min-identifier-length: 2
- prefer-correct-type-name:
excluded: [ 'exampleExclude' ]
min-length: 3
max-length: 40
- prefer-first
- prefer-last
- always-remove-listener
- avoid-returning-widgets:
- testFunction
- allowedAnnotation
- avoid-unnecessary-setstate
# - prefer-extracting-callbacks:
# ignored-named-arguments:
# - onPressed
- avoid-wrapping-in-padding
- prefer-const-border-radius
- prefer-intl-name
- provide-correct-intl-args
- prefer-async-await
- prefer-immediate-return
- avoid-collection-methods-with-unrelated-types
- prefer-moving-to-variable
- prefer-commenting-analyzer-ignores
- avoid-non-ascii-symbols
- avoid-boder-all
- avoid-returning-widgets:
- testFunction
- allowedAnnotation
- provide-correct-intl-args
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.0.4, on macOS 12.4 21F79 darwin-arm, locale pt-BR)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 31.0.0-rc2)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.4.1)
[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
[✓] Android Studio (version 2020.3)
[✓] VS Code (version 1.69.0)
[✓] Connected device (3 available)
! Error: iPhone de Danilo is not connected. Xcode will continue when iPhone de Danilo is connected. (code -13)
[✓] HTTP Host Availability
• No issues found!
@daniloteamflow hi, thank you for reporting the issue, hoping to release the new integration in a few days https://github.com/dart-code-checker/dart-code-metrics/pull/900. It should significantly reduce the memory usage
This should be fixed since 4.21.1, please update to this version. If you still experience the problem, feel free to comment or open another issue