http_retry copied to clipboard
Tests are failing: _FakeTimer doesn't have a `tick` member
CI tests seem to have been inadvertently disabled in #4.
> pub run test --platform vm
00:02 +0 -1: loading test/http_retry_test.dart [E]
Failed to load "test/http_retry_test.dart":
Unable to spawn isolate: file:///home/travis/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class '_FakeTimer' is missing implementations for these members:
Try to either
- provide an implementation,
- inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
- mark the class as abstract, or
- provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
class _FakeTimer implements Timer {
file:///home/travis/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The static method has type '(dart.core::Comparable<dynamic>, dart.core::Comparable<dynamic>) → dart.core::int' that isn't of expected type '(dynamic, dynamic) → dart.core::int'.
Change the type of the method or the context in which it is used.
dynamic _minOf(Iterable i, [Comparator compare =]) =>
00:02 +0 -1: Some tests failed.
cc @kevmoo
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