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platform.js Shadow DOM shim should work with attribute selectors
e.g. a Component with the selector 'foo[bar]' will cause the Shadow DOM shim to fail.
This only effects browsers that need the shim.
It can be fixed only after
@vsavkin haven't you tried to fix the js and submit a PR ? What was the outcome ? I don't think the linked issue is clear enough. It should also state what we need. I don't think we need any selector as we could easily add a class or an attribute. I thought that the only problem was that the selector is set to the tag name which is not unique to a (angular) component ?
@vicb I was going to, but it turned out to be a low-priority issue. So I did not do any work on it. I've updated the issue. Please check if it is clear now.
@vsavkin If think the description is much better now - especially the second part which propose a solution. What about going even further and propose an API. Then we are sure that what gets implemented fit our needs.
@vicb I've added an API proposal.
@vsavkin :+1: Have you tried to contact the polymer team about that ? It would great to get their opinion about this and an ETA if they agree
@vicb I haven't, but it is a good idea. I'll shoot them an email today.
Any progress on that issue.
The monkeysecurity raised an issue on Angular Dart UI:
WARNING: 2015-01-02 18:11:00.002: WARNING: Failed to set up Shadow DOM shim for pagination[page][total-items].
InvalidCharacterError: The string contains invalid characters. 'pagination[page][total-items]' is not a valid attribute name.
It would be nice to have any feedback from you.
@akserg It looks like the issue has not been fixed in Platform.js. So it is not fixed in AngularDadrt either (cause we are emulating their approach). You can, however, define your own shim (as shown here, where you can, for instance, take the element part of the selector and use it for shimming. has been moved to (former repo is deprecated)