
Results 1045 comments of darshankawar

Thanks for the update. Can you try as below and see if it works or gives you same error ? ``` UserCredential user = await auth.signInWithPopup(provider); await auth.signInWithRedirect(provider); UserCredential user...

> If we follow the expected flow: > Main -> signInWithRedirect -> "Provider flow" -> "Main" -> getRedirectResult: Works as expected > But if we follow the flow: > Main...

Labeling this for further insights from the team, as, it seems to be coming from production and without any replicable steps or code.

> new version > > ``` > firebase_core: 1.19.1 > firebase_analytics: 9.1.12 > firebase_crashlytics: 2.8.4 > firebase_messaging: 11.4.4 > ``` @windows7lake Can you again try to upgrade all plugins to...

Thanks for the update. Keeping this issue open and labeling for further insights from the team, as this is coming from crashlytics and there doesn't seem to be concrete steps...

@windows7lake I am unable to replicate this on Android Samsung S10 device. Can you try using latest plugin version ? https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire/issues/9244 Note: please be aware of https://github.com/firebase/flutterfire/issues/9430 while you verify...

Thanks for the detailed report. Have you confirmed that you have set the index properly of your Firestore database for the said `collectionGroup` ? You can read about it here:...

> Stream closed with status: Status{code=NOT_FOUND, description=Target id not found: 8, cause=null} `NOT_FOUND` per `FirebaseFirestoreException` documentation is thrown when some requested document is not found: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/android/com/google/firebase/firestore/FirebaseFirestoreException.Code#public-static-final-firebasefirestoreexception.code-not_found Can you confirm that...

Thanks for the detailed report and an existing issue at native side. Looking at the original issue, it seems to be an issue at js side and probably not at...