imagesloaded icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
imagesloaded copied to clipboard

A small helper that triggers a callback after all the selected/child images have been loaded.


A small dependency-less library for DOM images loading state notifications.

If you are looking for a jQuery plugin, head over to: desandro/imagesloaded.


var il = new ImagesLoaded( collection, [ options ] ); // new keyword is optional

collection Mixed

Can be Element, or an Array/NodeList of images and elements. That means you can pass an element that contains image elements, directly image elements, or combination of both.

[ options ] Object

Object with ImagesLoaded options.


Default options are stored in the ImagesLoaded.defaults object.


Type: Integer Default: 10000

Maximum time in milliseconds in which images have to load, otherwise they will be marked as broken.

Timer starts on ImagesLoaded object creation, i.e. when you call

var il = new ImagesLoaded(collection);


These methods register callbacks to ImagesLoaded events.


il.done( fn );

Adds a callback to the done event. This callback will be executed only when all images has finished with loading successfully. If there is one or more broken images (or if any image loading will take longer than options.timeout), this callback will not be executed.

You can add more callbacks by calling this method multiple times.

Callback receives ImagesLoading instance object as its this value.

fail fn );

Adds a callback to the fail event. This callback will be executed only if there is at least one or more broken images, or if any image loading took longer than options.timeout.

You can add more callbacks by calling this method multiple times.

Callback receives ImagesLoading instance object as its this value.


il.always( fn );

Adds a callback to the always event. This callback will be executed when all images has finished with loading, regardless of their state (properly loaded, or broken).

You can add more callbacks by calling this method multiple times.

Callback receives ImagesLoading instance object as its this value.


il.progress( fn );

Adds a callback to the progress event. This callback will be executed for each image when it finished with loading.

You can add more callbacks by calling this method multiple times.

Callback receives ImagesLoading instance object as its this value.

Callback arguments:

  • image - Image element that just finished with loading.
  • isBroken - Boolean flag specifying whether the images is broken.


il.progress(function (image, isBroken) { = isBroken ? 'red' : 'green';

All methods above are retroactive, even the .progress() method. That means you can call them even after everything has been decided, and you'll get what you'd expect - callback will be fired immediately with the same context & arguments as if it was bound beforehand.


var il = new ImagesLoaded(collection);

il.done(function () {
	// This callback be executed when images will finish with loading
	il.done(function () {
		// This will be executed immediately
	il.progress(function (image, isBroken) {
		// This will be executed immediately for every image that has
		// finished with loading, in the exact order when that happened.


ImagesLoaded instance exposes some useful properties.


var il = new ImagesLoaded(collection);
// Accessing property
var foo = il.propertyname;


Array with all images extracted from collection.


Array with all currently loaded images, regardless of their state.


Array with all yet to be loaded (pending) images.


Array with all properly loaded images.


Array with all broken images.


Boolean flag which is true when there are still some images to load.


Boolean flag which is true when loading is done, and all images have loaded successfully.


Boolean flag which is true when loading is done with some or all images broken.


Using callback binding methods:

var imgLoading = ImagesLoaded(document);

imgLoading.done(function () {
	console.log('All images loaded successfully');
	console.log('Images: ', this.images);
}); () {
	console.error('One or more images have failed to load');
	console.log('Proper images: ', this.proper);
	console.log('Broken images: ', this.broken);

imgLoading.always(function () {
	if (this.isDone) {
		console.log('All images loaded successfully');
	if (this.isFailed) {
		console.error('One or more images have failed to load');
	console.log('Proper images: ', this.proper);
	console.log('Broken images: ', this.broken);

imgLoading.progress(function (img, isBroken) {
	console.log('This image has finished with loading:', img);
	console.log('The image is ' + (isBroken ? 'broken' : 'properly loaded'));
	// Current state of loading
	console.log('Pending images:', this.pending);
	console.log('Loaded images:', this.loaded);
	console.log('Proper: ', this.proper);
	console.log('Broken: ', this.broken);

All methods return ImagesLoaded object, so you can easily chain them:
