Darryl Abbate
Darryl Abbate
Most of the expression parsing logic was written during early stages of development. Long overdue for a refactor. - `nud()`/`led()` should return more useful information than some lexical token for...
TODO: Flesh out this description This was actually added a while back in 13d3ee5185c421bdd8e9e9e2731d04067cbdd40b but later reverted in 6e3e92aa32223786cd39a49d1a1687787cb7b7f8 Depends on: - #48 Ref: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_multiplicative_inverse
There are any number of ways to design a list comprehension syntax, so not really concerned with those details at the moment. Though I'd want it to be delimited by...
Similar to Lua's `io.input()` and `io.output()`. Instead of always falling back to `stdin`/`stdout`, give the user the ability to set the default streams. Track in `riff_state` struct.
This is a necessary precursor to implementing various other features/fixes/cleanups - #2 - #8 - #11 - #18 - #27 - #37 - #43 - #62 - #64
Similar to Riff's string interpolation introduced in version 0.3.5, the same can be done for regex literals (with a different sigil). This would require conditionally compiling some regexes as runtime.
Placeholder, but also an initial idea: Instead of adding a dedicated token to emulate method syntax (e.g. Lua's `f:read()` == `read(f)`), overload `.` without removing the syntactic sugar for table...
In C, you can juxtapose string literals, which the preprocessor will stitch together: ```c "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, " "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore...
cc: - #18 This is a throwback to the old implicit printing functionality. I think something simple like `-E` can be supported. The only unknown is how (or if) to...