Darryl Abbate
Darryl Abbate
Segmenting analogous configs into separate files provides a small benefit to organization. However, it's a little over the top and there's no reason it can't be condensed to a single...
https://github.com/rootbeersoup/dotfiles/blob/91199b8ae0922c7f4935d275e5c1357894c64ff3/bash/dots/aliases#L70 This never gave any problems in the past. Here's the aforementioned sass: ``` find: ./Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary: Operation not permitted find: ./Library/Application Support/MobileSync: Operation not permitted find: ./Library/Application Support/CallHistoryTransactions: Operation...
If `stow` is run on a folder under the following conditions: - The source folder contains another folder - The nested folder used by other utlities (gpg, stack, etc) -...
Ex: ```riff (1,2) ``` Not that this would be particularly useful, but it threw me off-guard when the compiler threw an error for this instead of simply evaluating and throwing...
Numbered groups are already stored; forgot to implement named capture groups. Also, audit the behavior of `$abc`. Currently, `abc` would be treated as an expression (variable). To dereference the field...
For comparison, Python's `eval()` does have access to locals; Lua's `load()` does not. Obviously this is a side-effect of how locals are compiled. It's not possible for `eval()` to know...
- [ ] `popen()` - [ ] `system()`/`exec()` - [ ] `remove()` - [ ] `rename()` - [ ] `date()` - [ ] `time()` - [ ] `sleep()` - [...
Currently, `in` is only supported in `for` loops. `in` can be added as an infix operator (membership, pattern matching, etc); valid in any expression. Support for `not in` would need...
The interpreter currently prints some message to `stderr` and immediately exits whenever a given error is encountered. There needs to be a more robust system in place s.t. various callers...