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app_swift - A Cepstral Swift TTS engine interface

Copyright (C) 2006-2012 - Darren Sessions Portions Copyright (C) 2012, Cepstral LLC. Portions Copyright (C) 2013-2014 - Jeremy Kister

All rights reserved.

Bug reports, comments, or otherwise can be directed to me at [email protected]. I welcome any feedback or questions.

Visit me on the web, at

This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2. Read the LICENSE file for details.


    Provides a direct interface into the Cepstral
    text-to-speech engine for Asterisk eliminating
    the need to write audio output files to the 
    filesystem and then stream them back out.

    Also provides multi-digit dtmf recognition with
    a max digits and a wait-for-digit timer very 
    simular to the AGI 'get data' command.


    - Asterisk development header files
    - Cepstral Swift Text-to-Speech engine (version 5 or 6)


    - Check that the swift libraries are in your ld path
      * on debian, run: echo -e "\n/opt/swift/lib\n" >> /etc/ && ldconfig
    - On some distributions you made need to copy asterisk.h to /usr/include

    ./configure [options]
    make install (as root)
    make reload (as root)


    Type "core show application swift" at the Asterisk CLI prompt.

    in extensions.conf:
    exten => s,1,Answer
    exten => s,n,Swift(This is cepstral talking in the default voice from swift.conf)
    exten => s,n,Set(SWIFT_VOICE=Callie-8kHz)
    exten => s,n,Swift(This is cepstral talking in the Callie voice)
    exten => s,n,Swift(Please enter three digits,5000,3)
    exten => s,n,Swift(You entered ${SWIFT_DTMF}.  Goodbye)
    exten => s,n,Hangup