Darren Mothersele
Darren Mothersele
- [ ] remove adapterName from workflow config - [ ] replace concept of adapter as grouping for workflows - [ ] use UUIDs instead of adapterName #100 - [...
We can connect to and use GraphQL endpoints using the HTTP block, but the configuration is clunky and hard to use. This is because you currently have to use JMES...
Database and form configs from the previous ng-dynamic-forms integration are still being side-loaded into the app when it loads. As we have now fully migrated over from ng-dynamic-forms to Formly,...
Add support for SQL by integrating... https://github.com/agershun/alasql/blob/develop/README.md This opens up the possibility of connecting to databases. But, more immediately useful is the syntax for working with JSON, CSV, Excel, all...
One idea is to replace clone/deep copy of payload data with immutable objects with structural sharing, eg immutable.js
Hi, I am getting seg faults from plrust code when working with composite types. I've seen this when working locally (in Docker), using cloudnative-pg, and in RDS on AWS (so...