Darren Robinson
Darren Robinson
Bad client credentials indicates your PAT clientID and clientSecret are not correct. Try using the Test-IdentityNowCredentials to validate them.
Getting similar errors. Looks like it is because the underlying .NET MSAL Lib is v4.27.0. There a lots of PoP enhancements in [later releases](https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet/wiki). @jasoth do you still have acccess...
A post I wrote in Oct 2019 for using MSAL.PS for Microsoft Graph with Application API Permissions. [Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell](https://blog.darrenjrobinson.com/microsoft-graph-using-msal-with-powershell/) A new post for using MSAL.PS for...
Last one. [Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Certificate Authentication](https://blog.darrenjrobinson.com/microsoft-graph-using-msal-with-powershell-and-certificate-authentication/)