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Could you put some examples for each command?
I need to add a job but I don't know exactly what is the correct syntax.
This is my command:
add "{\"orderId\":185652}"
But it returns:
Error occured, seems "data" incorrect json
Try add '{"orderId": 185652}'
I'd like to see an example connecting to an ElastiCache clustercfg configuration endpoint.
@joebowbeer sorry, I don't have experience with ElastiCache clustercfg Does this have simple redis parameters: host, port, e.t.c ?
The typical ElastiCache cluster has a single Configuration Endpoint that is used to create the IORedis.Cluster client.
However, in practice the ioredis client needs some custom config for ElastiCache, especially if encryption-at-rest is enabled. This is often handled by passing in a createClient
factory method in the QueueOptions.
To support this in bull-repl, there would need to be a way to hook redis client creation and shutdown.