Elad Zelingher
Elad Zelingher
Being developed on logs branch using Castle ILogger interface. An interesting option is to use [LibLog](https://github.com/damianh/LibLog). Please comment here about specific logs you would like to have from the library.
Yeah, the serialized json is actually written to logs in the develop branch. You are welcome to try it via [MyGet feed](https://www.myget.org/feed/Packages/wampsharp) and add other suggestions.
Option A is already possible, just set the log level of the logger WampSharp.Newtonsoft.JTokenMessageParser to Error level. Elad
I am not around a computer right now, but for example for log4net you need to create a Logger.config with a ROOT logger set to debug and a logger with...
See here for the exact syntax. https://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/manual/configuration.html
So manually change the log level of this specific logger. This is one of the things logging frameworks are for.
LibLog is designed for libraries. The only places in the code where `.Compile()` is called (at least for the Serilog provider) is in static context (i.e. static constructor or the...
I also just submitted [a pull request](https://github.com/damianh/LibLog/pull/141/files) which fixes all Expression.Compile per instance/per message calls to static calls. This should resolve all such issues if they exist.
This is currently not supported. Elad