XPS15-9550-Sierra copied to clipboard
1.恢复系统原版的 CoreDisplay. 2.将 Lilu.kext 和 CoreDisplayFixup.kext 放到 Clover/Kext/Others 或 L/E 或 S/L/E. Lilu.kext.zip CoreDisplayFixup.kext.zip
sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force
感谢: Apple for macOS. @vit9696 for writing the Lilu.kext and the idea for patch framework. @PMHeart for writing the CoreDisplayFixup.kext to solve the 4k display limit on none iris pro card.
@gujiangjiang 没看懂你说的什么意思啊, 现在装好的还用弄吗
@darkhandz 你的触摸板怎么弄的, 有配置文件吗?或者已经配置好的驱动? 我现在电脑好了, 但是显示中没有38402160的分辨率啊, 显卡显示是19201080, 然后原来有那个fakeid时, display中有两个分辨率可选, 现在都没显示, 怎么回事
额,真是不好意思了,我也不是4k屏,近来工作也忙,加班什么的…… 似乎NVMe数据崩溃的问题也有解了,各位先自行试试哈。
[简体中文] Hi. 说实话此 kext 暂时还不算特别稳定,所以我可能需要更多的测试者。在普通系统下按照 @gujiangjiang 的方案测试即可。 另外关于在 Recovery HD 下,可尝试: 1. 来自 @vit9696 的 Lilu 1.0.0 DEBUG 版本。 (来自 https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases) 2. 新的 CoreDisplayFixup.kext 。 3. 以及加入启动参数 keepsyms=1 -v -liluslow -liludbg 开机。此外如果使用了其他同样基于 Lilu 编制的 kexts ,备份并删除它们。(如 AppleALC;Shiki 等。)
- 目前进度:仍在测试,所以可能会遭遇各种问题。建议在测试过程中使用屏幕录像记录全过程,以方便我和 @vit9696 进行更多测试,另为方便交流也建议各位使用中英双语,谢谢!
[English] Hi. To be honest, this kext may be currently not reliable and I may need more test(ers). For normal OS, refer to what @gujiangjiang said (Regarding to English version, check here.) and test if it works, that's all. And as for Recovery HD, please try: 1. Lilu 1.0.0 DEBUG version from @vit9696 (From https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases) 2. New pre-compiled binary of CoreDisplayFixup 3. Add boot-args "keepsyms=1 -v -liluslow -liludbg", and also, if other plug-ins of Lilu such as AppleALC, Shiki present, then make a back up and delete them.
- Current status: Working in progress, so you may encounter certain problems. Taking a video record is highly recommended to let us debug much more easily. Thanks!
[简体中文] @soulomoon 说实话这应该与此无关,CoreDisplayFixup 的作用仅仅是修改 CoreDisplay.framework 以启用非 Iris 系列显卡 4K 以及更高分辨率输出问题。您的问题更像是其他方面引起的,比如 FrameBuffer ,但说实话我也不知道详情,抱歉。
[English] @soulomoon To tell the truth, I don't think this is related to this, what CoreDisplayFixup does is just patching CoreDisplay.framework to enable 4K or higher resolutions output on non-Iris Intel integrated graphics. It is more likely caused by other stuffs, for example the FrameBuffer of AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer, but anyway, I dunno what the exact thing is. Sorry.
[English] @vit9696 Hi. Sorry to mention you here and nonetheless I think it's really necessary! Alright, and any reports can be checked here as well. By the way if you need any English support, I may help...
after a lil bit testing i can say, that it's working well. no problems so far with the first release. but i would love to see the sourcecode, just so i can assure the users that this code is not harmful in any way.
Hi @wmchris,
First of all thanks for your testing! But now @vit9696 and me are doing some researches on Recovery HD, and I don't think it's the correct time to post the source code, and it's fully the same as Shiki right now. The only thing is to find the process which calls CoreDisplay, and it's /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer
(Maybe also /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Resources/WindowServer
I guess, but they are just the same, which is a symlink.)
Well, this weekend will be Qingming Festival holiday in China, and I may have some spare time during the vacation. After that, I suppose that everything may be better rather than present.
1.恢复系统原版的 CoreDisplay. 这一步具体要做什么?
@darkhandz 你说的NVME崩溃,是睡眠引起的那个小概率事件么?解决方案是在Ubuntu下调整磁盘那个么,似乎需要重装啊。
@scottsanett 您有升级 10.12.4 或者 10.12.5 Beta 1 吗?有的话,我觉得应该什么都不用做,在系统升级期间会自动恢复原版。
@scottsanett Have you updated 10.12.4 or 10.12.5 Beta 1? If yes and then I think nothing shall be done since it will be restored to the vanilla one automatically during the system update.
Could you confirm whether CoreDisplayFixup works fine given -liluslow
argument is present in boot arguments when booting normally?
@vit9696 发表于此处的中文简要翻译:
“可以请大家确认一下 CoreDisplayFixup 可以在使用 -liluslow
更新: 感谢 @gujiangjiang 的测试,如今问题已经几乎全部解决。会在晚些正式发布 CoreDisplayFixup 。感谢帮忙测试此项目的各位,特别感谢 @vit9696 !
Update: Thanks to @gujiangjiang for his amazing tests, everything seems resolved now, I may release the CoreDisplayFixup later, thanks everyone who takes a glance on this low repository! And it is mostly courtesy of @vit9696 after all in fact. 😉 (Quoted from @vit9696's private message.)