Dexter John Genterone
Dexter John Genterone
Hmm.. yeah. Maybe we need to add a notification when consul-alerts can't access consul? Consul-alerts tries to retry connecting to consul and has a backoff so it doesn't try it...
This should be fixed with PR #87. Will put out a new build soon.
Yeah this seems pretty useful too. :)
Sounds useful. The second solution sounds much better. Will have a look at how big a change is needed for this.
Haven't tried consul-alerts on this scale before. How many instances of consul-alerts is running? I think the slow-down might be caused by the sheer volume of checks being processed. There...
There are few factors affecting performance. 1. Consul-Alerts is dependent on the "watcher" feature of Consul. This watches the health checks for changes. Any status change triggers consul to send...
Could be a useful feature, though requires a big change with the current state of the code.
etcd doesn't have support for pagination at the moment. we could get creative or we wait for the v3 which has support for it.
this is done in the refactored branch. putting this in progress now.