Results 170 comments of Niccolò Belli

You can deploy the server (everything under the `api` directory) like any normal Meteor application, while you can deploy the client like any other Angular application. The next version of...

@n-rodriguez why would you think this is a bad feature to have? Committing a specific platform to your `docker-compose.yml` is not feasible because it will break it for your colleagues...

> For this image specific, it looks like phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin is an old Docker Hub repository Sure, but that's just an example, in fact: > IMHO people should use/build multi-arch images...

@ndeloof I thought about that and while it would definitely come in handy it isn't as strictly necessarily because you can easily override the platform with a command line argument...

The harsh reality is that a `FALLBACK_PLATFORM` variable is basically mandatory to develop in teams across different architectures. But I think we need yet another feature: the possibility to specify...

> file rollback This won't be a viable option for anything but small files until zfs will support reflinks IMHO. > rolling back a snapshot on the sender can break...

```ts node:electron/js2c/renderer_init:89 Electron Security Warning (enableBlinkFeatures) This renderer process has additional "enableBlinkFeatures" enabled. This exposes users of this app to some security risk. If you do not need this feature,...

I don't think I've seen anything about login shells: ![image]( > did you by any chance customize vscode's terminal/shell settings? I don't think so, if you have any particular setting...

> The setting that could change the terminal shell profiles, such as terminal.integrated.profiles.* or terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.* Nope, all default. > Let me know what happens after you set the shell setting...

> This leads me to think maybe none of your login profiles (.bash_profile, .bash_login, or .profile, which the login shell will source) sourced the .bashrc? I think that `.bash_profile` does:...