
Results 12 comments of darkWolf-PR

Hi, @juniwalk I´m getting the same outcome using Nette Database Table Selection as datasource and showing just single column as detail like this: `$grid->setItemsDetail(function($item) { return $item->content; });` Eye button...

Yep, checked, no JS issue, XHR request seems ok, at least as much as I can say, theres a lot of JSON stuff. Address looks like this: `http://web.local/admin/contacts-archive?contactsArchiveGrid-grid-id=3&contactsArchiveGrid-grid-perPage=20&contactsArchiveGrid-grid-sort%5Bentry_date%5D=DESC&do=contactsArchiveGrid-grid-getItemDetail` I have...

@juniwalk I can try during weekend, not sure if I manage, I´ve never actually uploaded any project to github... Maybe we can ping someone who did naja support for datagrid...

@juniwalk Iˇve tried switching naja with nette.ajax just for a test. No difference. So it has to be connected with something else. I´ll try, if I manage to make some...

@juniwalk So, I´ve uploaded test version here: [https://github.com/darkWolf-PR/DatagridDetailTest](url) No modules and other stuff, but otherwise, pretty much same as what I have in my project. 1st I thought I will...

@juniwalk Im using wampserver with PHP 7.4.10, MariaDB 10.3, Apache 2.4.46

You mean in layout.latte? That´s what I have for ajaxified pages in admin. It´s basically from nette.ajax.history setup as I´ve been using that before switching to Naja. Datagrid seems to...

Going through Contributte website´s search: Apitte sends you here: https://contributte.org/apitte/#global-layout Get Started button leads here: https://contributte.org/packages/contributte/apitte-core/ And that page suggests installing just one package of the old divided version by...

Hmm, I just dont know how to make pull requests right way here on github...

Hi, I´ve checked it and found the problem. Looks like image url fails in product detail when product has attributes with connected images. I will try to look on it...