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Kotlin library to make easy using local document-oriented database in Android apps.


Kotlin library to make easy using local document-oriented database in Android apps.


Edit your build.gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Then add as dependency to your app/build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.dariopellegrini:StorageDone-Android:v0.7'


StorageDone lets you save models in a local database very easily.

First create a model

data class Teacher(val id: String,
                   val name: String?,
                   val surname: String?,
                   val age: Int?,
                   val cv: String?)

Then create a StorageDoneDatabase object.

For 0.8.1+

// In Application class
override fun onCreate() {

val database = StorageDoneDatabase("teachers")

For 0.8 and earlier versions

val database = StorageDoneDatabase(context, "teachers")

Finally save an instance of a model in it.

val teacher = Teacher("id1", "Sarah", "Jones", 29, "")

try {
} catch(e: Exception) {
    Log.e("StorageDone", e.localizedMessage)

Reading database content will retrieve an array of the decleared model

try {
  val teachers = database.get<List<Teacher>>()
} catch(e: Exception) {
  Log.e("StorageDone", e.localizedMessage)

Other methods allow filtering and deletion.

Primary key

A model can implement PrimaryKey interface, in order to have an attribute set as database primary key

data class Teacher(val id: String,
                   val name: String?,
                   val surname: String?,
                   val age: Int?,
                   val cv: String?): PrimaryKey {
    override fun primaryKey(): String {
        return "id"

Primary keys come in combination with insert or update methods

val teachers = listOf(Teacher(id: "id1", name: "Sarah", surname: "Jones", age: 29, cv: ""),
                Teacher(id: "id2", name: "Silvia", surname: "Jackson", age: 29, cv: ""),
                Teacher(id: "id3", name: "John", surname: "Jacobs", age: 30, cv: ""))      
try {
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        Log.e("StorageDone", e.localizedMessage)


Every operation has its suspending version. Each can be used through suspending extension



val teachers: List<Teacher> = database.suspending.get()

database.suspending.delete(map("id" to "id2"))


Database objects can use different functions, which wrap try-catch logic and give a more compact way to access database

// Insert or update
database += teachers

// Read
val teachers: List<Teacher> = database.all()

// Filter
val filteredTeachers: List<Teacher> = database filter mapOf("id" to "id2")

// Delete if model implements PrimaryKey protocol
database -= teachers


Get and delete commands can use queries. Queries can be built in different ways, using custom operators

// Equal
"id" equal "id1"

// Comparison (Numeric only)
"age" greaterThan 20
"age" greaterThanOrEqual 20
"age" lessThan 20
"age" lessThanOrEqual 20
"age" between (10 to 20)

// Is null

// Is not null

// Value inside array
"id" inside listOf("id1", "id2", "id3")

// Array contains value
"array" contains "A1"

// Like
"name" like "A%"

// Regex
"city" regex "\\bEng.*e\\b"

// Dates comparisons
"dateCreated" greaterThan Date()
"dateCreated" greaterOrEqualThan Date()
"dateCreated" lessThan Date()
"dateCreated" lessOrEqualThan Date()
"dateCreated" betweenDates (Date() to Date())

// And
and(expression1, expression2, expression3)

// Or
or(expression1, expression2, expression3)



Ordering on queries is performed using extension properties on the attributes' names. It's possible to use more of them to achive an order priority on attributes.

val orderedTeachers = database.get<Teacher>("dateCreated".ascending, "name".ascending)

Live queries

Using live queries it's possible to observe database changes.

// All elements
val liveQuery =<Teacher> {
    teachers ->
        Log.i("LiveQuery", "$teachers")

// Elements with query
val liveQuery =<Teacher>("id" equal "id1") {
    teachers ->
        Log.i("LiveQuery", "$teachers")

To cancel a live query simply call cancel on LiveQuery object.


Advanced queries

Using advanced queries lets to specify filtering expression, ordering logic and priority, limit and skip values. All of these parameters are optional. The only limitation is that skip is ignored if limit parameter is not present.

val teachers = database.get<Teacher> {
    expression = or("id" equal "id1", "id" equal "id2")
    orderings = arrayOf("name".ascending, "date".descending)
    limit = 5
    skip = 1
val teachers: List<Teacher> = database filter {
    expression = or("id" equal "id1", "id" equal "id2")
    orderings = arrayOf("name".ascending, "date".descending)
    limit = 5
    skip = 1

val liveQuery =<Teacher>({
    expression = or("id" equal "id1", "id" equal "id2")
    orderings = arrayOf("name".ascending, "date".descending)
    limit = 5
    skip = 1
}) {
    teachers ->
    Log.i("LiveQuery", "Count ${teachers.size}")

Fulltext search

Fulltext search needs to be configured with the parameters' name that should be indexed.
After that, a query can be performed with search text and with an optional advanced query.

// Define the index
database.fulltextIndex<Teacher>("id", "name", "surname", "age", "cv")

// All results<Teacher>("Silvia")

// Results with advanced query<Teacher>("Silvia") {
    orderings = arrayOf("age".ascending)


Dario Pellegrini, [email protected]


CouchbaseLite Android


Antonio Petruccelli


StorageDone-Android is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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