Dario Curreri
Dario Curreri
A quick solution might be the following, since a good solution requires a complex remodeling process, but it is so dirty that I dare not open a PR ```rs pub...
I had a look at your PR and I do believe that a new enum `HelpMessage` could provide better default help messages suitable for customizations of each prompt. However, I...
Let me know if I can help in any way
I am encountering a similar problem. I would like to deepen the errors to return exhaustive and concerning messages to the user, but since `ErrorImpl` is private, I cannot inspect...
I guess you don't believe in collaborations. I opened this PR almost 9 months ago, and today I found out you did it in January by yourself. A message would...
Any update on this?
Thank you
From a DevEx point of view, I guess a fancy possible solution could allow the user to specify the serde attributes in the serde extensions identifiers. Then, if I want...
Did someone find a solution?
Hi guys, following this discussion and looking for a solution I created the following basic action to facilitate what @maxbergs provided us: [`dariocurr/checkout-called`](https://github.com/dariocurr/checkout-called). I hope it will be useful. The...