music_db icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
music_db copied to clipboard

A playground for Ecto using a simple music database


A playground for Ecto using a simple music database

I created this repo to have examples for my talk at ElixirConf 2016, "Leveling Up With Ecto". The video is available here and the slides are here.


  • Elixir >= 1.2
  • Postgres >= 9.0


  • clone this repo
  • make sure Postgres is running
  • edit the database configuration in config/dev.exs to match your system
  • mix deps.get
  • mix ecto.setup

This will create the database and load some sample data. If you see

The database for MusicDb.Repo has been created

you should be all set.

Working with the playground

Open up priv/repo/playground.exs in your editor, and find the play function (it's fairly well marked with a PUT YOUR TEST CODE HERE comment).

Put whatever code you'd like in there, then run the script with:

mix run priv/repo/playground.exs

The return value of play/0 will be written to the console

Restoring the data

After playing around for awhile, your data will probably get into a weird state. You can restore it back to its original state by running

mix ecto.reset

The test data is set up in priv/repo/seeds.exs - feel free to make any changes to that script if there are things you would like to add to the sample data.


This app sets up four schemas: Artist, Album, Track, and Genre. For testing purposes, they're fairly stripped down, and have a minimal configuration. See the corresponding modules for details.

As you might expect, Artist has_many Albums, which has_many Tracks. Albums has a many_to_many relationship with Genres.