Diego Quintero
Diego Quintero
Your Weather data seems to be incomplete. In 2022 it jumps from day 268 to day 296. Also, it seems that your solar radiation values are in the wrong units....
Thanks for reporting this. I just try the installation in an Ubuntu machine and it worked? Can you please confirmed if it is still not working in your case? I...
Hi @ubaidjanjua, I'm afraid I can't help you if you don't provide more context. If you can't get a higher yield it is probably cause the weather, soil and inputs...
Hello @osherboudara-work That's completely new information for me, thanks for sharing this!! Sure, I'll look at how the model generates that output and I'll include it. As of now I...
Hi @osherboudara-work , your explanation totally makes sense. Furthermore the DSSAT executable that the library uses was compiled from the main DSSAT repository, so probably it doesn't match the one...