
Results 55 issues of daquexian

修复 random_tensor() 默认范围没有负数的问题,修复 random_tensor(dtype=int64) 只返回 0 的问题


基于 add_dtr_feature 分支,仅供 comment 使用

Thanks for your sharing your model. I also trained mobilenetv2 by myself. But unfortunately I can only get 70.9% top-1 on imagenet 2012. I will be very appreciated if you...

fix https://github.com/onnx/optimizer/issues/59

expand and unsqueeze op are sometimes used to do broadcasting, and they can be fused if they are before an op with built-in broadcast feature (like add/mul op)

For op fusion (like the fusion of conv and bn), we have implemented a "small onnxruntime" in [tensor.h](https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/master/onnx/common/tensor.h#L174-L368). It increases the workload (the more fusion we want to do, the...

Currently dabnn only support primitive operators, such as Conv, FullyConnected, Pool, Add, Concat and ReLU. While they are already enough for many networks (e.g., ResNet, SqueezeNet), some more operators may...

Eigen is not the optimal choice for deep learning on mobile. It lacks optimization for convolutions (like winograd) and also not focus on mobile devices.

This issue is to summarize all operators which needed to be supported. If you want an operator to be supported, please feel free to post it here. - [x] LRN(#16,...
