Dapplo.Confluence copied to clipboard
An Atlassian confluence client for .NET
This is a simple REST based Confluence client, written for Greenshot, by using Dapplo.HttpExtension
The Confluence client supports most REST methods, and has a fluent API for building a CQL (Confluence Query Language) string to search with.
An example on how to use this Confluence client:
var confluenceClient = ConfluenceClient.Create(new Uri("https://confluence"));
confluenceClient.SetBasicAuthentication(username, password);
var query = Where.And(Where.Type.IsPage, Where.Text.Contains("Test Home"));
var searchResult = await confluenceClient.Content.SearchAsync(query, limit:1);
foreach (var contentDigest in searchResult.Results)
// As the content from the Search is a digest, get the details (it's also possible to get the details during the search)
var content = await confluenceClient.Content.GetAsync(contentDigest, ConfluenceClientConfig.ExpandGetContentWithStorage);
// Output the information
If you want to extend the API for a specific use-case where it doesn't make sense to provide it to the rest of the world via a pull-request, for example to add logic for a plugin, you can write an extension method to extend the IConfluenceClientPlugins. Your "plugin" extension will now be available, if the developer has a using statement of your namespace, on the .Plugins property of the IConfluenceClient
Hint: For Confluence Cloud, the username & password are a bit different than for Confluence Server. For cloud your username is the email-address you use to login to atlassian and the PW is an API token which needs to be generated here: https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens
Also the URL to use for Confluence cloud is most likely something like the following (where {domain} is your domain): https://{domain}.atlassian.net/wiki