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Subsocial is an open protocol for decentralized social networks and marketplaces. It's built with Substrate and IPFS.

Results 9 subsocial issues
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When I go to, connect a wallet, choose a token and click the QR code icon, it displays the QR code and the associated address to to send tokens...

Here one can see the status of my crowdloans: It's clear that the Crowdloans Sakura and Crust failed, and thus no rewards will be given. Here though it's not...

its maybe not a big deal to others, but the glitches were enough for me to say ok enough is enough, i'm trying to think and look at what I'm...

I still have solochain SUB TOKEN in my wallet. How can I transfer them.

OTP token is not displayed on despite being the [parachain winner #17]( Please add the OTP token on your explorer. Regards, BRX, OriginTrail community admin

I follow a few writers on Subsocial, but I enjoy reading content on my RSS reader, so I am wondering if Subsocial has any plan on RSS feed.

When attempting to follow a space I receive an error that the fee can't be determined. Will append more information from additional clients. ![image](![image](

I submit the transaction successfully with the txhash, and I can see that on chain, but always failed with `:DispatchError { BadOrigin: null }`, I want to ask why and...

Any account should be able to review any other space on Subsocial. We can reuse `Post`s with a new extension: `Review` ## Software Desing ```rust pub struct AccountInSpace { account:...
