Dave Leaver
Dave Leaver
I think you'll need to remove and recreate for now. Maybe you can get away with just removing the MCG from the map and re-adding it?
Leaflet.MarkerCluster only supports having one cluster spiderfied at the moment, so this would need a bit of work to support.
Throughout the code there are references to `_spiderfied`, it is a member variable on MarkerClusterGroup. I'm not 100% sure the best way to make it nicer, maybe look at changing...
Sweet art. You could override _generatePointsCircle and _generatePointsSpiral with a custom implementation that did that? https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/blob/master/src/MarkerCluster.Spiderfier.js#L33-L86
Cool. I'm not sure I want to add this function in to marker cluster, but maybe if we could make it easier to override the methods that could be good.
`spiderfyShapePositions` or something? Basically the ability to replace this block: https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/blob/master/src/MarkerCluster.Spiderfier.js#L33-L38
I don't see how to reproduce it on your example. There are two markers that aren't clustered, and you can't zoom out anyway?
hahaha ok I think I figured it out. Continuously try and pinch zoom out (which the map will automatically undo/cancel), and eventually you end up with a cluster and the...
Neat plugin. I take it that leaflet.PM automatically make all layers on the map editable? It would be nice not to put plugin specific mods in either of our plugins,...
How are you deleting the marker? You probably need to remove it from the MarkerClusterGroup layer, but you are probably just removing it from the map?