@yadayada I don't have this problem in the macOS (10.11.6) and it's showing all the file sizes so I think that's fixed because it wasn't like this before.
The latest Schema supported by this tool is 4.1. Hopefully, dev releases a newer version.
@boivinx7 Thanks, I will give it a try.
403 error and quota exceed it’s not necessary a PlexDrive issue and it’s pretty much depend on your usage. Limits are 10TB download and 750GB upload, so you can hit...
You still have something else using your drive data, I have 200TB and no issue what so ever with PlexDrive. Also check your Plex settings too.
@hrc1079 1. You don’t need readonly 2. Change your cache chunk to 10Mb, this amount you don’t download too much of a file to analyze the file. 3. And don’t...
@hrc1079 As I just mentioned before, it's not always about API, your download usage is hit the max and that's why you are getting banned. As for rclone, that will...
I’m not sure what’s your setting with rclone sync, because I’m using it and I don’t have issue and it’s working pretty fine
It’s because you just don’t listen, google drive have upload and download limit, and you keep hitting it with that command.
What's your default folder and make sure if it's there (usually app will make it) and make sure it's readable and writable from the app and empty it again and...