google-analytics-plugin copied to clipboard
Cordova (PhoneGap) Plugin to connect to the native Google's Universal Analytics SDK 3.0
This is more just a question than an issue. I have it set up with trackView so that I have the screen view with the campaign details set to window.location.href...
When i try to track a custom dimension, i'am not able to add custom dimension with the dispatched hit.
Hi ! When I try to load ionic cordova run ios --prod (or android), I get this error : `Error: Metadata version mismatch for module /Users/alexandre/Sites/app-mobiles/LeRugbynistere/LeRugbynistere/node_modules/@ionic-native/google-analytics/index.d.ts, found version 4, expected...
As the solution of i have also include codova.js file into index.html , after that getting same issue ant suggestion regarding to it , how to fix it .
I am not able to see trackEvent stats update on google analytics dashboard. While trackView is working fine. I checked the log when I hit trackView I can see the...
This plugin must have an way to send custom events to GA, using the API ga.send( "mymetric", { //myMetricVars } ) to create an generic way to implement the GA...
I'm trying to use analytics.getVar('cm', function(result) get campaign data but it always return null. No matter if i use 'cm' or '&cm'. This is example url where i get app...
On android the ga.startTrackerWithId('xxxxx', 'auto') return with a JSON error in the error callback, but works with a specified number, or without a dispatchPeriod.
If I provide multiple Ads in Facebook or any other website and when user clicks on it , it should take him to my app page in Google play store...
1.) Screen Load Time 2.) App views in Google Play Store 3.) App Install/Uninstall (Daily/weekly/monthly) 4.) How many users have "Sign up" in my database How can i add these...