google-analytics-plugin copied to clipboard
iAd campaign tracking disabled because the iAd framework is not linked
I have successfully installed the plugin for ionic 1
$cordovaGoogleAnalytics.debugMode(); $cordovaGoogleAnalytics.startTrackerWithId('UA-XXXXXXXX-X');
where UA-XXXXXXXX-X is same tracking code as web tracking code
and I try to track all views like this :
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){ $cordovaGoogleAnalytics.trackView(; })
but I got this error and I don't see any changes in google analitycs:
VERBOSE: GoogleAnalytics 3.14 __70-[GAIBatchingDispatcher checkIAdCampaignAttributionWithHitParameters:]_block_invoke (GAIBatchingDispatcher.m:749): iAd campaign tracking disabled because the iAd framework is not linked. See for instructions.
I saw a few postat that says to enable campaign tracking from Admin > Property Settings > iOS Campaign Tracking inside Google Analytics but I don't have this path in Analitycs
*for mobile app properties I don't see any tracking code
@aaadipop Did you figure out a way to do iAd attribution with this plugin?
I have been getting this error. Anyone else seen this?
ERROR: GoogleAnalytics 3.14 -[GAIBatchingDispatcher checkIAdCampaignAttributionWithHitParameters:] (GAIBatchingDispatcher.m:759): iAd campaign tracking disabled because the GAI init time was not found.```
GoogleAnalytics 3.20 -[GAIBatchingDispatcher checkIAdCampaignAttributionWithHitParameters:]_block_invoke_2 (GAIBatchingDispatcher.m:770): iAd campaign tracking disabled because the current date is past the campaign window.
facing same issue