Dan Wild

Results 25 comments of Dan Wild

Hey @giswqs, I did write a little plugin for _folium_ which might be useful here as a guide: https://github.com/onaci/folium-glify-layer

Had very similar issue (with docker desktop for mac), restarting docker fixed it.. \o/

Hi @teoxonline, it's unlikely anyone will be able to troubleshoot this by eye only, can you provide a more complete / reproducible example? At a minimum we need to confirm...

Dupe of https://github.com/droibit/flutter_custom_tabs/issues/33 ? Nice work on this plugin @droibit , thanks 👍 But also, this is a critical issue. Are there any plans to merge in something like the...

There _is_ an existing method to do this! And it _is_ [in the docs](https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_custom_tabs/latest/flutter_custom_tabs/closeCustomTabs.html). Apologies for the oversight 😅 Just call [closeCustomTabs](https://github.com/droibit/flutter_custom_tabs/blob/0bd39a33a553540eea4a5747b17089219d4e0aa1/flutter_custom_tabs/lib/src/launcher.dart#L81). Thanks @droibit 🎉 This kinda addresses https://github.com/droibit/flutter_custom_tabs/issues/33 too