zigbee icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
zigbee copied to clipboard

Erlang interface to Zigbee API mode

Library for interfacing to the Zigbee API with erlang. The erlang library itself(zigbee.erl) is licensed under GPL-2.

Serial code comes from http://www.erlang.org/user.html - serial-1.0. It does not fall under the GPL-2 license.

My configuration (the only one that's (only partially) supported right now)

Zigbee ZB Coordinator API Mode Connected to a USB Serial adapter VR = 2164 (SW Version) HV = 1941 (HW Version) AO = 1

Zigbee ZB Router AT Mode Connected to an Arduino pro mini from sparkfun DIO3 connected to Arduino reset pin DH = 0 DL = 0

I think that covers everything unique about my setup.