flutter_chips_input copied to clipboard
Not compatible with flutter 3.7
Looks like we are not compatible with new flutter 3.7.
Is this repo officially dead?
same here. after updating to 3.7 i got this error
flutter_chips_input-2.0.0/lib/src/chips_input.dart:87:7: Error: The non-abstract class 'ChipsInputState' is missing implementations for these members:
- TextInputClient.didChangeInputControl
- TextInputClient.performSelector Try to either
- provide an implementation,
- inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
- mark the class as abstract, or
- provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
Same here!
Same here!
append this code to file chips_input.dart ..Pub\Cache\hosted\pub.dev\flutter_chips_input-2.0.0\lib\src\chips_input.dart
void insertTextPlaceholder(Size size) {}
void removeTextPlaceholder() {}
void updateEditingValueWithDeltas(List<TextEditingDelta> textEditingDeltas) {}
void didChangeInputControl(
TextInputControl? oldControl, TextInputControl? newControl) {}
void performSelector(String selectorName) {}
Add this to your pubspec
git: https://github.com/bradintheusa/flutter_chips_input
or if it's a nested dependency add
git: https://github.com/bradintheusa/flutter_chips_input
same problem , and I don't use this package
equatable: ^2.0.5 dio: ^4.0.6 dartz: ^0.10.1 flutter_bloc: ^8.1.1 bloc: ^8.1.0 get_it: ^7.2.0 animate_do: ^3.0.2 cached_network_image: ^3.2.3 google_fonts: ^4.0.1 shimmer: ^2.0.0 carousel_slider: ^4.2.1 flutter_spinkit: ^5.1.0 url_launcher: ^6.1.8 flutter_svg: ^1.1.6 flutter_screenutil: ^5.6.0 hexcolor: ^3.0.1 flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.11.0 shared_preferences: ^2.0.17 lottie: ^2.2.0 flutter_conditional_rendering: ^2.0.0 google_maps_flutter: ^2.2.3 geocoding: ^2.0.5 map_location_picker: ^1.1.0 location: ^4.4.0 geocode: ^1.0.2 flutter_polyline_points: ^1.0.0 uuid: ^3.0.7 permission_handler: ^10.2.0
One of your packages does. Just use my fix and it will work for you.
flutter pub deps
Will tell you which one.
@bradintheusa Which package use it and I tried to add this flutter_chips_input: git: https://github.com/bradintheusa/flutter_chips_input
but still same problem
Please fix this package, I have to work π«
Fixing this package wonβt help you as you have a nested dependency
The command I gave will tell you which one but just add the override.
You mean 1 : add this
dependency_overrides: flutter_chips_input: git: https://github.com/bradintheusa/flutter_chips_input
2 : flutter pub deps
Do 1.
2 will just help you find the source for a longer term fix.
@bradintheusa OK I will try but I have a question does the error happens because of another package and If this package fix its problem will this make every thing good ?
Once this package is fixed other packages will need to be updated to use the fixed package.
@bradintheusa is it map location picker ?
Dart SDK 2.19.0 Flutter SDK 3.7.0
βββ animate_do 3.0.2 β βββ flutter... βββ bloc 8.1.0 β βββ meta... βββ cached_network_image 3.2.3 β βββ cached_network_image_platform_interface 2.0.0 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_cache_manager... β βββ cached_network_image_web 1.0.2 β β βββ cached_network_image_platform_interface... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_cache_manager... β βββ flutter_cache_manager 3.3.0 β β βββ file 6.1.4 β β β βββ meta... β β β βββ path... β β βββ pedantic 1.11.1 β β βββ rxdart 0.27.7 β β βββ sqflite 2.2.4+1 β β β βββ sqflite_common 2.4.2+2 β β β β βββ synchronized 3.0.1 β β β β βββ meta... β β β β βββ path... β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ path... β β βββ clock... β β βββ collection... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ http... β β βββ path... β β βββ path_provider... β β βββ uuid... β βββ octo_image 1.0.2 β β βββ flutter_blurhash 0.7.0 β β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter... β βββ flutter... βββ carousel_slider 4.2.1 β βββ flutter... βββ cupertino_icons 1.0.5 βββ dartz 0.10.1 βββ dio 4.0.6 β βββ http_parser 4.0.2 β β βββ typed_data 1.3.1 β β β βββ collection... β β βββ collection... β β βββ source_span... β β βββ string_scanner... β βββ path... βββ equatable 2.0.5 β βββ collection... β βββ meta... βββ flutter 0.0.0 β βββ sky_engine 0.0.99 β βββ characters... β βββ collection... β βββ js... β βββ material_color_utilities... β βββ meta... β βββ vector_math... βββ flutter_bloc 8.1.1 β βββ provider 6.0.5 β β βββ nested 1.0.0 β β β βββ flutter... β β βββ collection... β β βββ flutter... β βββ bloc... β βββ flutter... βββ flutter_chips_input 2.0.0 β βββ flutter... βββ flutter_conditional_rendering 2.0.0 β βββ flutter... βββ flutter_launcher_icons 0.11.0 β βββ args 2.3.2 β βββ checked_yaml 2.0.2 β β βββ json_annotation... β β βββ source_span... β β βββ yaml... β βββ cli_util 0.3.5 β β βββ meta... β β βββ path... β βββ image 3.3.0 β β βββ archive... β β βββ meta... β β βββ xml... β βββ json_annotation 4.8.0 β β βββ meta... β βββ yaml 3.1.1 β β βββ collection... β β βββ source_span... β β βββ string_scanner... β βββ path... βββ flutter_localizations 0.0.0 β βββ characters 1.2.1 β βββ clock 1.1.1 β βββ collection 1.17.0 β βββ intl 0.17.0 β β βββ clock... β β βββ path... β βββ js 0.6.5 β β βββ meta... β βββ material_color_utilities 0.2.0 β βββ meta 1.8.0 β βββ path 1.8.2 β βββ vector_math 2.1.4 β βββ flutter... βββ flutter_polyline_points 1.0.0 β βββ flutter... β βββ http... βββ flutter_screenutil 5.6.0 β βββ flutter... βββ flutter_spinkit 5.1.0 β βββ flutter... βββ flutter_svg 1.1.6 β βββ path_drawing 1.0.1 β β βββ path_parsing 1.0.1 β β β βββ meta... β β β βββ vector_math... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ meta... β β βββ vector_math... β βββ xml 6.2.2 β β βββ petitparser 5.1.0 β β β βββ meta... β β βββ collection... β β βββ meta... β βββ flutter... β βββ meta... β βββ vector_math... βββ flutter_test 0.0.0 β βββ boolean_selector 2.1.1 β β βββ source_span... β β βββ string_scanner... β βββ fake_async 1.3.1 β β βββ clock... β β βββ collection... β βββ matcher 0.12.13 β β βββ meta... β β βββ stack_trace... β βββ source_span 1.9.1 β β βββ collection... β β βββ path... β β βββ term_glyph... β βββ stack_trace 1.11.0 β β βββ path... β βββ stream_channel 2.1.1 β β βββ async... β βββ string_scanner 1.2.0 β β βββ source_span... β βββ term_glyph 1.2.1 β βββ test_api 0.4.16 β β βββ async... β β βββ boolean_selector... β β βββ collection... β β βββ matcher... β β βββ meta... β β βββ source_span... β β βββ stack_trace... β β βββ stream_channel... β β βββ string_scanner... β β βββ term_glyph... β βββ async... β βββ characters... β βββ clock... β βββ collection... β βββ flutter... β βββ js... β βββ material_color_utilities... β βββ meta... β βββ path... β βββ vector_math... βββ geocode 1.0.2 β βββ http... βββ geocoding 2.0.5 β βββ geocoding_platform_interface 2.0.1 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ meta... β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β βββ flutter... βββ get_it 7.2.0 β βββ async 2.10.0 β β βββ collection... β β βββ meta... β βββ collection... βββ google_fonts 4.0.1 β βββ crypto 3.0.2 β β βββ typed_data... β βββ http 0.13.5 β β βββ async... β β βββ http_parser... β β βββ meta... β β βββ path... β βββ path_provider 2.0.12 β β βββ path_provider_android 2.0.22 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ path_provider_platform_interface... β β βββ path_provider_foundation 2.1.1 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ path_provider_platform_interface... β β βββ path_provider_linux 2.1.7 β β β βββ ffi 2.0.1 β β β βββ xdg_directories 0.2.0+3 β β β β βββ process 4.2.4 β β β β β βββ file... β β β β β βββ path... β β β β β βββ platform... β β β β βββ meta... β β β β βββ path... β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ path... β β β βββ path_provider_platform_interface... β β βββ path_provider_platform_interface 2.0.5 β β β βββ platform 3.1.0 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β β βββ path_provider_windows 2.1.3 β β β βββ win32 3.1.3 β β β β βββ ffi... β β β βββ ffi... β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ path... β β β βββ path_provider_platform_interface... β β βββ flutter... β βββ flutter... βββ google_maps_flutter 2.2.3 β βββ google_maps_flutter_android 2.4.3 β β βββ flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 2.0.7 β β β βββ flutter... β β βββ stream_transform 2.1.0 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ google_maps_flutter_platform_interface... β βββ google_maps_flutter_ios 2.1.13 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ google_maps_flutter_platform_interface... β β βββ stream_transform... β βββ google_maps_flutter_platform_interface 2.2.5 β β βββ collection... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β β βββ stream_transform... β βββ flutter... βββ hexcolor 3.0.1 β βββ flutter_web_plugins 0.0.0 β β βββ characters... β β βββ collection... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ js... β β βββ material_color_utilities... β β βββ meta... β β βββ vector_math... β βββ flutter... βββ location 4.4.0 β βββ location_platform_interface 2.3.0 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ meta... β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β βββ location_web 3.1.1 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_web_plugins... β β βββ http_parser... β β βββ js... β β βββ location_platform_interface... β β βββ meta... β βββ flutter... βββ lottie 2.2.0 β βββ archive 3.3.6 β β βββ pointycastle 3.6.2 β β β βββ convert 3.1.1 β β β β βββ typed_data... β β β βββ collection... β β β βββ js... β β βββ crypto... β β βββ path... β βββ flutter... β βββ path... β βββ vector_math... βββ map_location_picker 1.1.0 β βββ flutter_typeahead 4.3.2 β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility 5.4.0 β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_linux 1.0.0 β β β β βββ flutter... β β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_platform_interface... β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_macos 1.0.0 β β β β βββ flutter... β β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_platform_interface... β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_platform_interface 2.0.0 β β β β βββ flutter... β β β β βββ meta... β β β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_web 2.0.0 β β β β βββ flutter... β β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_platform_interface... β β β β βββ flutter_web_plugins... β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_windows 1.0.0 β β β β βββ flutter... β β β β βββ flutter_keyboard_visibility_platform_interface... β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ meta... β β βββ flutter... β βββ form_builder_extra_fields 8.3.0 β β βββ dropdown_search 5.0.5 β β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_colorpicker 1.0.3 β β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_datetime_picker_bdaya 2.0.0 β β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_form_builder 7.7.0 β β β βββ collection... β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ intl... β β βββ flutter_rating_bar 4.0.1 β β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_touch_spin 2.0.0 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ intl... β β βββ signature 5.3.0 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ flutter_svg... β β β βββ image... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_chips_input... β β βββ flutter_typeahead... β β βββ intl... β βββ geolocator 9.0.2 β β βββ geolocator_android 4.1.7 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ geolocator_platform_interface... β β βββ geolocator_apple 2.2.5 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ geolocator_platform_interface... β β βββ geolocator_platform_interface 4.0.7 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ meta... β β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β β β βββ vector_math... β β βββ geolocator_web 2.1.6 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ flutter_web_plugins... β β β βββ geolocator_platform_interface... β β βββ geolocator_windows 0.1.1 β β β βββ flutter... β β β βββ geolocator_platform_interface... β β βββ flutter... β βββ google_maps_flutter_web 0.4.0+5 β β βββ google_maps 6.2.0 β β β βββ js_wrapping 0.7.4 β β β β βββ js... β β β βββ meta... β β βββ sanitize_html 2.0.0 β β β βββ html 0.15.1 β β β β βββ csslib 0.17.2 β β β β β βββ source_span... β β β β βββ source_span... β β β βββ meta... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_web_plugins... β β βββ google_maps_flutter_platform_interface... β β βββ stream_transform... β βββ google_maps_webservice 0.0.20-nullsafety.5 β β βββ http... β β βββ json_annotation... β β βββ meta... β βββ logger 1.1.0 β βββ flutter... β βββ google_maps_flutter... β βββ http... βββ permission_handler 10.2.0 β βββ permission_handler_android 10.2.0 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ permission_handler_platform_interface... β βββ permission_handler_apple 9.0.7 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ permission_handler_platform_interface... β βββ permission_handler_platform_interface 3.9.0 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ meta... β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β βββ permission_handler_windows 0.1.2 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ permission_handler_platform_interface... β βββ flutter... β βββ meta... βββ shared_preferences 2.0.17 β βββ shared_preferences_android 2.0.15 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ shared_preferences_platform_interface... β βββ shared_preferences_foundation 2.1.2 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ shared_preferences_platform_interface... β βββ shared_preferences_linux 2.1.3 β β βββ file... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ path... β β βββ path_provider_linux... β β βββ path_provider_platform_interface... β β βββ shared_preferences_platform_interface... β βββ shared_preferences_platform_interface 2.1.0 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ plugin_platform_interface... β βββ shared_preferences_web 2.0.4 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_web_plugins... β β βββ shared_preferences_platform_interface... β βββ shared_preferences_windows 2.1.3 β β βββ file... β β βββ flutter... β β βββ path... β β βββ path_provider_platform_interface... β β βββ path_provider_windows... β β βββ shared_preferences_platform_interface... β βββ flutter... βββ shimmer 2.0.0 β βββ flutter... βββ url_launcher 6.1.8 β βββ url_launcher_android 6.0.23 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ url_launcher_platform_interface... β βββ url_launcher_ios 6.0.18 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ url_launcher_platform_interface... β βββ url_launcher_linux 3.0.2 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ url_launcher_platform_interface... β βββ url_launcher_macos 3.0.2 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ url_launcher_platform_interface... β βββ url_launcher_platform_interface 2.1.1 β β βββ plugin_platform_interface 2.1.3 β β β βββ meta... β β βββ flutter... β βββ url_launcher_web 2.0.14 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ flutter_web_plugins... β β βββ url_launcher_platform_interface... β βββ url_launcher_windows 3.0.3 β β βββ flutter... β β βββ url_launcher_platform_interface... β βββ flutter... βββ uuid 3.0.7 βββ crypto...
Yes but it requires these to both be upgraded as well
form_builder_extra_fields dropdown_search
dependency_overrides: flutter_chips_input: git: https://github.com/bradintheusa/flutter_chips_input
For those still using this library, I have given up on waiting for danvick and created a new fork. I've integrated all of the open PRs and fixed a bug or two. Still working on another bug related to backspace on macOS.
For those still using this library, I have given up on waiting for danvick and created a new fork. I've integrated all of the open PRs and fixed a bug or two. Still working on another bug related to backspace on macOS.
Hi there! I got the same issue using flutter_chips_input v.2.0.0 on flutter 3.10.4. I tried to add methods that @shahirsoft shared above but I still got issue so i needed to add also insertContent method, like below. Hope this can help you!
void insertTextPlaceholder(Size size) {}
void removeTextPlaceholder() {}
void updateEditingValueWithDeltas(List<TextEditingDelta> textEditingDeltas) {}
void didChangeInputControl(
TextInputControl? oldControl, TextInputControl? newControl) {}
void performSelector(String selectorName) {}
void showToolbar() {}
void insertContent(KeyboardInsertedContent content) {}