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Example that shows up how to add multiple entry points on Create React App V3 (CRA)

Create React App with multiple entry points

Attention: It's an ejected version of create-react-app, however, I'm going to push a PR for this missing feature. The non ejected version could be find here:

There's a pending PR for this solution on

To add more entry points, follow the steps:

  • Before cloning, please, slap ⭐️ now
  • Add a new page in the package.json in the property appPages. There are 2 existing pages there: index and login;
  • Create your new files for the new page. You should add a new .html file inside the public folder and also add your new .js file (related to your "new" app) inside your src folder.
  • Run yarn start or npm start;
  • Access your using the following url /.hml, for example: http://localhost:3000/login.html