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Add support for SDDM
Not sure if this would be tied to #51.
Probably could have a theme and override its theme.conf with stylix's colors, font & background.
There is a simple sddm theme that you can use
environment.systemPackages = let bg = "#2e3440"; in [
(pkgs.where-is-my-sddm-theme.override {
themeConfig.General = {
background = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
backgroundFill = bg;
backgroundMode = "none";
🤔 I actually think we could use the services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.settings and services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.theme option for configuring the SDDM theme. I actually made something like below a while back when I was using a custom module for setting the cursor themes across the system
services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.settings.Theme = (mkMerge [
#({ Font = "Noto Sans,10,-1,0,50,0,0,0,0,0"; })
(mkIf (cfg.cursorTheme != null) {
CursorTheme =;
CursorSize = cfg.cursorTheme.size;
Which works for changing the cursor theme and size for the stock Breeze them; haven't tested using other themes however. There's also the ArchLinux wiki that describes what theme settings are available for SDDM, so we could also use this as a baseline for creating a module to modify SDDM. Would this be something possible to do @danth?
Potentially related:
Is this currently being worked on, or are there other priorities on top?
I'm not aware of anyone working on this