**Summary** Users who have an on-premises deployment of Databend may need to access on-premises tables in Databend Cloud, in a read-only manner: - All table data can be shared with...
I hereby agree to the terms of the CLA available at: https://docs.databend.com/dev/policies/cla/ ## Summary support aborting table navigation: table navigation respects query context aborting action. - Fixes #[Link the issue...
**Summary** Instead of concatenating multiple `DataBlock`s into a single `DataBlock`, consider directly writing multiple `DataBlock`s into a single table block.
I hereby agree to the terms of the CLA available at: https://docs.databend.com/dev/policies/cla/ ## Summary Implements runtime pruning for probe-side data blocks by utilizing the runtime filter (based on the min-max...
**Summary** Currently, we only support "global" (which effects all the tables) level table data retention period setting. It might be more convenient for users if it could be set at...
I hereby agree to the terms of the CLA available at: https://docs.databend.com/dev/policies/cla/ ## Summary Tweak transient table data retention settings This PR introduces a new setting, `transient_data_retention_time_in_minutes`, to customize the...
**Summary** https://github.com/datafuselabs/databend/actions/runs/9725755371/job/26849173284?pr=15929#step:4:3844 ~~~ thread 'txn_backoff::tests::test_backoff' panicked at src/meta/api/src/txn_backoff.rs:156:9: 0.077160551 is expected to be 2 + 5 + 10 + 14 + 20 milliseconds note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to...
**Summary** distributed replace into with attachment not work as expected, with error `"code":1001,"message":"Invalid argument error: The argument `fields` must be consistent with the columns' schema. Use e.g. &arrow2::io::flight::default_ipc_fields(&schema.fields)","detail":""`. **(java)client side...
**Summary** part of - https://github.com/datafuselabs/databend/issues/14482
**Summary** Provides a way of marking historical snapshots invisible, so that the old snapshots( and maybe the data it referenced) can fade away gradually. --------------- Basic desc of functionalities: Marks...