jQuery-Geo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jQuery-Geo copied to clipboard

A bunch of GeoStuff wrapped in a jQuery plugin

This is a simple jQuery plugin to encapsulate a bunch of geolocation functionality.


1 - Locate user

$.geo("locate", successFunction, failureFunction);


  // returns object of type Position
  // see http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source.html#position_interface
  $("#result").html("your location is " + position.coords.latitude + ", " + position.coords.longitude);
function(error, message){
  // returns error object of type PositionError
  // see http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source.html#position_error_interface
  // and human readable message in text

2 - Measure distance between two locations (in metres)

$.geo("distance", lat1 , lon1 , lat2 , lon2 );


var distance = $.geo("distance", 40.748383 , -73.98555 , 40.782374 , -73.96553 );