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🔨 PHP Mocking Framework, includes method chaining stubbing.


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PHP Mocking Framework, inspired by Mockito library for Java

Table of contents

  • Installation
  • Mocking
  • Stubbing
  • Partial Mock
  • Stubbing Method Chaining
  • Verifying
  • Argument Matcher


PHP Version >= 5.4 is required!

The following instructions outline installation using Composer. If you don't have Composer, you can download it from

$ composer require "danrevah/shortifypunit":"dev-master" 
$ php composer.phar require "danrevah/shortifypunit":"dev-master"

Mocking Examples

// Creating a new mock for SimpleClassForMocking
$mock = ShortifyPunit::mock('SimpleClassForMocking');

// Returns NULL, was not stubbed yet

Basic mocking example, if a function wasn't stubbed the return value will always be NULL.


// Creating a new mock for SimpleClassForMocking
$mock = ShortifyPunit::mock('SimpleClassForMocking');

// Stubbing first_method() function without arguments
echo $mock->first_method(); // prints '1'

// Stubbing first_method() function with arguments
echo $mock->first_method(); // still prints '1'
echo $mock->first_method(1,2); // prints '2'

// Stubbing callback
ShortifyPunit::when($mock)->first_method()->callback(function() { echo 'Foo Bar'; });
echo $mock->first_method(); // prints 'Foo Bar'

// Stubbing throws exception
ShortifyPunit::when($mock)->second_method()->throws(new Exception());
$mock->second_method(); // throws Exception

The when function is used to stubbing methods with specific parameters, following a throws, returns or a callback action.


  • throws($exception) - Throws an exception
  • returns($response) - Returns a $response
  • callback(function() { /*...*/ }) - Calling a callback

Partial Mock

partial mock is used when you need some of the methods to behave normally except from that one method you need to test. that can be done with partial mock, it keeps the logic unless you stub the method.

class Foo {
  function bar() { return 'bar'; }

$mock = ShortifyPunit::mock('Foo');
$partialMock = ShortifyPunit::partialMock('Foo');

$mock->bar(); // returns NULL
echo $partialMock->bar(); // prints 'bar'

ShortifyPunit::when($partialMock)->bar()->returns('foo'); // stubbing partialMock
echo $partialMock->bar(); // prints 'foo'

Stubbing Method Chaining

 // Creating a new mock for SimpleClassForMocking
 $mock = ShortifyPunit::mock('SimpleClassForMocking');

  echo $mock->first_method()->second_method(1); // prints '1'
  echo $mock->first_method()->second_method(2); // prints '2'
  echo $mock->first_method(1)->second_method(1); // prints '3'
  echo $mock->first_method(2)->second_method(2)->third_method(); // prints '4'

when function is also used to stub chained methods, follows the same actions as the single function stubbing return, throw or callback.


Once created, mock will remember all invocations. Then you can selectively verify some interaction you are inserted in.

    $mock = ShortifyPunit::mock('SimpleClassForMocking');

    echo $mock->first_method(); // method called once

    ShortifyPunit::verify($mock)->first_method()->neverCalled(); // returns FALSE
    ShortifyPunit::verify($mock)->first_method()->atLeast(2); // returns FALSE
    ShortifyPunit::verify($mock)->first_method()->calledTimes(1); // returns TRUE

    echo $mock->first_method(); // method has been called twice

    ShortifyPunit::verify($mock)->first_method()->neverCalled(); // returns FALSE
    ShortifyPunit::verify($mock)->first_method()->atLeast(2); // returns TRUE
    ShortifyPunit::verify($mock)->first_method()->calledTimes(2); // returns TRUE


  • atLeast($times) - Verify called at least $times
  • atLeastOnce() - Alias of atLeast(1)
  • calledTimes($times) - Verify called exactly $times
  • neverCalled() - Alias of calledTimes(0)
  • lessThan($times) - Verify called less than $times

Argument Matcher

ShortifyPunit allows the use of Hamcrest PHP ( matcher on any argument. Hamcrest is a library of "matching functions" that, given a value, return true if that value matches some rule.

Hamcrest matchers are included by default.


class Foo
  function bar($arg){}

$stub = ShortifyPunit::mock('Foo');

Some common Hamcrest matchers:

  • Core
    • anything - always matches, useful if you don't care what the object under test is
  • Logical
    • allOf - matches if all matchers match, short circuits (like PHP &&)
    • anyOf - matches if any matchers match, short circuits (like PHP ||)
    • not - matches if the wrapped matcher doesn't match and vice versa
  • Object
    • equalTo - test object equality using the == operator
    • anInstanceOf - test type
    • notNullValue, nullValue - test for null
  • Number
    • closeTo - test floating point values are close to a given value
    • greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo - test ordering
  • Text
    • equalToIgnoringCase - test string equality ignoring case
    • equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace - test string equality ignoring differences in runs of whitespace
    • containsString, endsWith, startsWith - test string matching