Results 63 comments of Danny Sung

@fantasyRqg I haven't found a way to do that. For my own builds, I've been switching that block to: ``` if ["0", "false", "FALSE"].contains(ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["KITURA_NIO"]) { kituraNetPackage = .package(url: "", from:...

I did the same:

This has been a long time coming, but NIO is now the default as of 3.0.0. This should make it easier for use with iOS.

I think it should be fine. Just make sure you set your Content-Type to text-html.

@hakkurishian Right now the focus is on making sure everything that was working from the IBM-Swift is now working on the Kitura org. I think all the package dependencies should...

@hakkurishian I just updated `Kitura-CredentialsJWT`. Can you update that version to 1.0.200 and try again? We still need to migrate `SwiftMetrics`, but there's some delay there because it's owned by...

Thanks @hockeyrun . It looks like the template used by the CLI needs to be updated.

@diuming Thank you! It's nice to know others are still using Kitura too. Let me know if there's anything you'd like to work on as well!

Thanks for the motivation and context! As an alternative, what do you think about adding a separate function call, like this: ``` \@discardableResult public func removeBody() -> RouterResponse { ......

@mbarnach Oops, you're too fast... I had more thoughts. (see edit) :-)