Danny Kopping
Danny Kopping
Heads up @deansheather, looks like you added this
Testing in isolation like this is helpful, but we really need an integration test which tests the full behaviour.
See https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/stable/development/osquery-sdk/#extensions for more details on the Thrift API
@andrewchambers go for it :+1:
Bump, ran into this too
@oreak please describe how you are sending logs to Loki - are you pushing directly, using Promtail, something else?
Hey @twoixter - yeah, this project is not being actively developed anymore. Symfony2 has a lot of the same features, so I think you're better off using that. Thanks though!
That's a great idea! I think adding some basic dependency injection is worth it, and i can think of a couple use-cases for this suggestion. Perhaps something like Pimple? http://pimple.sensiolabs.org/
Hhmm, yeah - or maybe a configuration option where you can set the Request/Response class? For example: ``` php $s = new Spore(array("requestClass" => "MyCustomReqClass")); ``` ``` php class MyCustomReqClass...